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Myth in the Contemporary Context

Essay Instructions:

Revisit the myths encountered in class as well as the ones in the reading this week. Choose one and rewrite it in a contemporary context. Draw on your own experience for the plot and variations on the myth. Your submission should be 500-750 words.


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Choose One Myth and Rewrite it in a Contemporary Context
One of the key myths about human beings is that an entity, person, or group is responsible for their suffering. Consequently, human beings and human nature require their actions and forces to liberate them through years of conflict, misunderstanding, and winning wars. As presented in the Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and The Bible, human beings have to struggle and suffer to succeed. In the current world and context, President Donald Trump and George Bush lived this myth. Bush believed that the East, Asian countries, were responsible for America's demise and suffering through terrorism. President Donald Trump believed that China was responsible for America's suffering and economic decline. Resultantly, both presidents declared war and attrition on the countries they believed were responsible for America’s problems.
After the 9/11, September 11, 2001, attacks, President George W. Bush convinced the Western world and population that Iraq was responsible for supporting and promoting terrorism through Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden in the region. President Bush and United Kingdom’s Tony Blair led the following 8-year war on Iraq. The war led to massive killings of innocent Iraqi residents and the destruction of critical infrastructure, homes, and cities. President Saddam Hussein was arrested and executed in front of the entire world for th...
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