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Technology as a Vital Driving Force in Modern Business Globalization

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Description:
Each student shall read an article from internet, books, magazines, newspapers, or journals which is relevant to the assigned globalization topic. The student should write an article critique including both article summary and commentary; and submit an electronic copy before the deadline. This can be an opportunity for students to explore a topic(s) of personal interest rather than reading the materials provided by the instructor. The article for assignment 1 the student selects should be relevant to any of the topics in globalization. Any type of the article is fine (e.g., essay, policy and historical reviews, research article, and any others). The article critique should be single-spaced with 1-inch margins in 12 point Times New Roman font. APA style of reference is preferred if reference is needed. Make sure to include the source of the article you make critique in the assignment. Please limit your answer between 1 and 2 pages for each critique.
Tips to write an article critique:
Step 1. Write a summary of the article you plan to critique:
First you need to give a summary of the article and especially address the key areas of concern discussed in the article. To reach the goal of identifying the key areas of concern, the following questions will help you analyze the text:
What is the author's main point?
What is the author's purpose?
Who is the author's intended audience?
What arguments does the author use to support the main point?
What evidence does the author present to support the arguments?
What are the author's underlying assumptions or biases?
You may find it useful to make notes about the text based on these questions as you read.
Step 2. Evaluate the text
After you have read the text, you can begin to evaluate the author's ideas. The following questions provide some ideas to help you evaluate the text:
Is the argument logical?
Is the text well-organized, clear, and easy to read?
Are the author's facts accurate?
Have important terms been clearly defined?
Is there sufficient evidence for the arguments?
Do the arguments support the main point?
Is the text appropriate for the intended audience?
Does the text present and refute opposing points of view?
Does the text help you understand the subject?
Are there any words or sentences that evoke a strong response from you? What are those words or sentences? What is your reaction?
What is the origin of your reaction to this topic? When or where did you first learn about it? Can you think of people, articles, or discussions that have influenced your views? How might these be compared or contrasted to this text?
What questions or observations does this article suggest? That is, what does the article make you think about?
Step 3. Plan and write your critique
Write your critique in standard essay form. It is generally best not to follow the author's organization when presenting your analysis, since this approach lends itself to summary rather than analysis. Begin with an introduction that defines the subject of your critique and your point of view (see step 1). Defend your point of view by raising specific issues or aspects of the argument. Conclude your critique by summarizing your argument and re-emphasizing your opinion.
You will first need to identify and explain the author's ideas. Include specific passages that support your description of the author's point of view.
Offer your opinion. Explain what you think about the argument. Describe several points which you agree or disagree with.
For each of the points you mention, include specific passages from the text (you may summarize, quote, or paraphrase) that provide evidence for your point of view.
Explain how the passages support your opinion.
(based on: Rosen, Leonard J. and Laurence Behrens, eds. The Allyn & Bacon Handbook. 1994).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Globalization Article Critique Assignment
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Globalization Article Critique
The article “Role of technology in globalization with reference to business continuity” by Harmeet Malhotra and Lamba Tripti considers technology a vital driving force in modern business globalization (Lamba & Malhotra, 2009, pp. 71). Harmeet and Lamba seek to establish how technological growth and advancement have intensified worldwide, leading to a shift from manual to electronic service delivery, leading to global business growth and advancement, and the challenges this growth invites. The article’s primary target audience is the public, to inform them of the benefits companies and developing countries reap from the technologically advanced global economy. The information helps them learn the benefits technology brings to their international business expansion efforts and the challenges likely to come up and derail the entire process (Lamba & Malhotra, 2009, pp. 71-73).
According to the authors, technology has been integral in revolutionizing the global economy, enabling Multinational Corporations (MNC) to earn a competitive edge in adopting electronic delivery of services and goods worldwide, developing new markets, and fostering information technology. Additionally, technology has facilitated the overcoming of trade barriers, differing ethical standards, cost of transportation, and communication challenges, transforming the global market into an avenue that supports the growth of Multinational corporations. For instance, distance and location are irrelevant today when offering services and goods. E-banking has made speedy transactions from all over the world possible, and the international cost of communication has dropped due to internet connection facilitating the free flow of information (Lamba & Malhotra, 2009, pp. 73-74).
Technology-fueled globalization also is likely to result in the exploitation of developing countries through manufacturing jobs that attract poor wages and loss of employment in developing countries. The article is founded on the assumption that developed countries and multinati...
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