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The Social Impact of Online Protests amidst the Ongoing Covid-19 Crisis

Essay Instructions:

With this assignment, you will begin to situate your research within the relevant literature through creating an annotated bibliography. Guidance for developing your annotated bibliography can be found in the combined Week 3 and 4 Study Guide. For this assignment you will need to review between 5-10 research articles. Use the template provided when reviewing articles in the form of an annotated bibliography. You need to address the following in your annotated bibliography:
Restate your working title
Describe the scope and objectives of your literature search
Identify the search strategy that you employed
Identify the keywords used in your search
Identify the databases used in your search
Highlight the method that you used to assess the papers (e.g., the Tompa et al., 2008 tool found at the end of the annotated bibliography template and in the Week 3 and 4 Study Guide)
Summarize the main points of each of the 5-10 article reviewed
Assess the strengths and limitations of each of the 5-10 article reviewed
Reflect on the relevance of each of the 5-10 article reviewed
Side note: You did the first part of this assignment, this is the second part. I have included the attachments from the first assignment that you originally sent.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Modern Social Media Protests
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Modern Social Media Protests Annotated Biography
Social media protests play a critical role in driving social action. My literature search revolved around analyzing the effectiveness of modern social media protests as tools in influencing Government and decision-making in developed and developing countries. The general objective of this research is to explore the social impact of online protests amidst the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Some keywords I used for this literature search include social media, social media protests, and online protests (University of Texas Arlington, 2015). I utilized the systematic search strategy to retrieve sources. This review aims to maximize research coverage while maintaining an accurate and relevant list of references (Bramer, 2018).To build onto the growing body of research, I used Google Scholar, Government websites, Social Media platforms to narrow down the critical sources pertinent to this research (Purdue University, 2020).
Anderson, M., Toor, S., Rainie, L., & Smith, A. (2018). Activism in the Social Media Age. Retrieved from Pew Research Centre: pewresearch.org/internet/2018/07/11/activism-in-the-social-media-age/
Social media has become a powerful tool in mobilization. Drawing insights from the highly popularized #blacklivesmatter movement, this source draws on the intensity of social media impact on political and social engagement, especially on police brutality racial violence profiling. Using this source, I will explore the nature and extent to which activists across the world use the #blacklivesmatter movement to highlight arising real-world problems affecting people in various countries, such as the death of Philando Castile and the subsequent killing of Baton Rouge. This article is credible as it encompasses real-time data from Twitter. However, there are questionable aspects of the research. For instance, the investigations reviewed here were conducted by an independent organization. This article provides insights on the upward trajectory the #blacklivesmatter movement paved for modern social media protests.
Boulianne, S., Lalancette, M., & Ilkiw, D. (2020). "School strike 4 Climate": social media and the international youth protest climate change. Media and Communication, 8(2), 208-218.
This source provides first-hand information on the unprecedented rise of social media to influence government action by the younger population. Drawing insights from the contemporary movement dubbed #schoolstrike4climate; the source elucidates the role of social media in driving government action on surging real-world climatic issues on a local and international level. This source utilizes qualitative and quantitative analysis to inform the topic under study. However, the journal article is delimiting as it includes Twitter users as the study population. This source will serve as a yardstick to analyze modern contemporary movements pioneered and mobilized by young people. The journal article set an upward mobility trend for the younger generation to engage in political debate and hold the leaders accountable for their compliance and inaction on issues ailing society.
Dambo, T. H., Ersoy, M., Auwal, A. M., Olorunsola, V. O., Olonode, A., Arikewuyo, A. O., & Joseph, A. (2020). Nigeria's# EndSARS movement and its implication on online protests in Africa's most populous country. Journal of Public Affairs, e2583.
This article explores the highly polarized debates on the role of modern social media protests to revolutionize the fight for justice and equality. Drawing insights from the widespread #EndSARs campaign geared to curb police brutality, the researcher highlights the delimiting factors inhibiting the success of modern social media campaigns to bring about change. This article will serve as a credible source of information to inform the unprecedented rise of modern social parades worldwide, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Th...
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