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Taking Rights Seriously: Virtue Ethics & Professional Codes of Ethics
Essay Instructions:
https://youtu(dot)be/3QMSDJn2wSU (Links to an external site.)
1. How does one become a virtuous person? Explain your answer with a reference to Aristotle's ideas and theories. Your reference can come from the book and/or the video of judge Napolitano's covering of the topic.
2. What are the main criticisms leveled against virtue ethics?
3. How do professional codes of ethics relate to virtue ethics, and why are they important in ethical decision-making in criminal justice?
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#00139555 CRIM 112 Taking Rights Seriously
Due Date
Taking Rights Seriously (Links to an external site.)1. How does one become a virtuous person? Explain your answer with a reference to Aristotle's ideas and theories. Your reference can come from the book and/or the video of judge Napolitano's covering of the topic.
The natural law theory (NLT) supposes that the sources of people's rights come from humanity, and among the supporters of NLT are Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas (Mises Media, 2020). Aristotle argued that people can distinguish right from wrong and good and evil. Aristotle's virtue ethics highlight that a virtuous person has certain ideal character traits and identifies important virtues such as justice, courage, and wisdom. Aristotle presents that people seek happiness through the practice of virtues where each person acts based on their ability to reason. Aristotle distinguishes between intellectual virtue and moral virtue, and for Aristotle, it is not enough to know the good. It is also necessary to desire it and to do it.
2. What are the main criticisms leveled against virtue ethics?
For Aristotle, ethical knowledge is necessary for d...
#00139555 CRIM 112 Taking Rights Seriously
Due Date
Taking Rights Seriously (Links to an external site.)1. How does one become a virtuous person? Explain your answer with a reference to Aristotle's ideas and theories. Your reference can come from the book and/or the video of judge Napolitano's covering of the topic.
The natural law theory (NLT) supposes that the sources of people's rights come from humanity, and among the supporters of NLT are Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas (Mises Media, 2020). Aristotle argued that people can distinguish right from wrong and good and evil. Aristotle's virtue ethics highlight that a virtuous person has certain ideal character traits and identifies important virtues such as justice, courage, and wisdom. Aristotle presents that people seek happiness through the practice of virtues where each person acts based on their ability to reason. Aristotle distinguishes between intellectual virtue and moral virtue, and for Aristotle, it is not enough to know the good. It is also necessary to desire it and to do it.
2. What are the main criticisms leveled against virtue ethics?
For Aristotle, ethical knowledge is necessary for d...
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