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Use of Geographical Information System in Public Administration

Essay Instructions:

Reflections Paper - at least four pages describing the use of GIS technology in public administration. This is due as the final examination. Please include your feedback on what was useful or not useful to you in the course. Be polite and be honest! Specific suggestions are more helpful -- and higher quality writing of course. Your grade will not be impacted by critical comments (famous last words, but true).

I will write my reflection part on my own. Just write about 3 and half page is appriciated.

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Use of Geographical Information System in Public Administration
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Use of Geographical Information System in Public Administration
Geographical Information System (GIS) is a collection of analytical and decision-making software that compares, organizes, and evaluates distinct information types into a unified structured system. The system interprets and represents data to visually display analysis results on maps, thus providing the unrivaled capability to scrutinize economic, social, and political issues. Meaning, the scope within which GIS can draw a map is determined by the available data and its intended task. It captures topographies like waterways, roads, houses, forests, or any object with a physical geographical location and attributes data to that specific reference point. The data is usually eventually stored in a database that is easily accessible via the GIS technology itself (Mel nick, 2002; Rensema et al., 2000). Essentially, Geographical Information System is the most appropriate technology in addressing place and space-related problems, more so, in public administration.
In the modern fickle environment that demands increased accountability from the public, governments are persistently struggling to serve their citizens efficiently without hiccups. Hence, organizations can easily manage programs and analyze policies that best suit the public and eliminate public administration problems by adopting GIS technology. With the technology, leaders and agency staff can integrate disparate data types to communicate insights, operationalize solutions, derive understanding, and engage various stakeholders and the public to realize effective service delivery. Efficient service delivery with GIS is possible because geospatial data is crucial in establishing effectiveness in public organizations.
The GIS technology has been recently adopted in local and national governments. Using the technology integrates location intelligence into advanced decision-making procedures to establish profound insights on significant problems facing a government or an organization. By doing so, institutions can achieve a science and analysis-based policy-making process to realize good policy outcomes crucial in practicing effective public administration.
Geographical Information System has indeed revolutionized public administration in every aspect in the recent past. At its most rudimentary level, the government is a basic creation of geography. Every nation, state, city, or administrative unit has geographical boundaries, and it is incumbent upon them to effectively oversee every activity happening within their boundaries. Thus, GIS technology is increasingly relevant in good governance at all government ranks, both local and national levels. It is a fact corroborated by The Federal Geographic Data Committee in its findings that the GIS technology is critical in almost all the activities happening at the local government level. Fundamentally, good geospatial programs assist administrative units in offering good services to the public cost-effectively and efficiently. Since GIS can transform data into user-friendly maps, it has found its way in almost every level of public administration.
With the rapid advancement in discoveries, the GIS has been extensively deemed a public-sector technology (Ventura, 1995). It has effectively impacted public administration execution since it is currently used in environmental protection, real estate management, planning, and community development. It is additionally used in integrated public-safety, transport sector, facility...
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