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Multilateral Institutions’ Role and International Policies and Violent Conflict Impact

Essay Instructions:

Question 1 (Mandatory): I invite you to reflect on whether our survey of the politics of development was actually worth your while. 1) How did your understanding of development change from the beginning to the end of this course? (Make sure to talk about the idea of development and what you think it means.) 2) Do you think the different ideas you were presented with matter for international development policy? I.e. has the approach to development policies actually changed in the world since the rise of the international development community, and if so, how can we tell? 3) Finally, do you think we have development figured out? I.e., do we now have good solutions to all our previous problems or are there issues we still do not have a good grasp on? Don’t be scared of this question. Your opinion is your own, and I won’t punish you for it. But do remember that this is an assessment, so what matters is displaying your understanding of the concepts and issues we covered. Question 2: (Pick one) Option A: Write an essay where you consider the issue of international migration. Make sure that in your answer you discuss: 1) What are the main explanations for why people migrate? 2) How is international migration a reflection or a product of other issues we discussed (such as conflict or inequalities)? 3) Finally, why do nation-states often attempt to control/resist the movement of people? How likely are these strategies to succeed, given your answers to parts 1 and 2 of this question? Option B: Write an essay where you consider the relationship between violent conflict and development. Make sure that in your answer you discuss: 1) What are the ways in which conflict hinders development, and how does development (or lack thereof) make violent conflict more likely? 2) Given your answer to part 1, why is it that people choose to fight, or continue to fight, if it is costly? 3) What are the potential solutions to large scale domestic conflicts and what role can (or should) the international community play in these efforts?

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International Development
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International Development
The 20th Century was characterized by increased globalization and interaction between countries worldwide. However, not all interactions were positive because many countries political and economic conflicts resulted in World War I, World War II, and the marginalization of some nations, particularly in Africa, South Asia, and Latin America. Violence and conflicts hinder international development. The end of World War II and the formation of multilateral institutions such as the United Nations (UN), the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) were accompanied by new conceptualizations for international developments. Multilateral organizations structure behavior by creating policies, structures, rules, and norms that govern international development (Multilateral Organizations, 2021, slide 2). They also balance the governance and sovereignty of various countries globally. This paper explores the importance of growth and multilateral institutions’ role and the impact of international policies and violent global development and sustainability.
A Reflection on International Development
The concepts learned in this course have shifted my perceptions of development. Initially, I believed that development is determined by a countries’ gross domestic product (GDP) and per capita income. This view implies that higher GDP per capita guarantees development. However, the measure of development using GDP pa capita is flawed because it does not consider income distribution, giving room for social inequity (The Capabilities Approach, 2021, slide 2). GDP per capita only measures development in money value and ignores the human factor and externalities such as depletion of natural resources, pollution, and environmental degradation. I have learned that the most effective way of measuring development is through human capabilities and freedom. Based on the new paradigm shift, I now understand that development refers to the freedom and ability to choose how one lives with their life with dignity (The Capabilities Approach, 2021, slide 3). Growth can be achieved by expanding and mutually reinforcing human freedoms (Sen, 2000). It also involves strengthening the social, economic, political, and economic aspects by improving access to education, quality healthcare, employment and wealth creation opportunities, and civil liberties.
Poverty is closely associated with development. Many nations are not developed because of the deprivation of their people the freedom to choose and capabilities to embrace opportunities. Poverty is a lack of resources and a deprivation of liberty and capabilities (The Capabilities Approach, 2021, slide 5). Underdeveloped nations can become developed by expanding the basic capabilities of their people, promoting social equity and equal access to opportunities, and empowering communities to choose their unique. If all countries implement policies that promote human freedom and capabilities, international development can be.
I believe that the ideas and concepts presented in this course are helpful for international development. The course expounds on the importance of growth and development and wealth measures, including GDP and GDP per capita. GDP refers to the value of an economy’s produce, while GDP per capita is the average economic output of a specific population (Why Study Development, 2021, slide 2). In recent years societies across the globe have experienced exponential growth due to advances in natural resource extraction, transportation, agriculture, and industrialization. Some communities have grown while others have stagnated, indicating world wealth distribution, healthcare access, education and literacy levels, child mortality, and extreme poverty in developing countries. 20% of the world’s population has not experienced growth and development due to bad governance, a lack of natural resources, and conflicts.
The course also discusses theories of development that have significantly contributed to the growth and development of many countries. It discusses modernization theory, its implications, and its drawbacks. Modernization is a theory of development that suggests that growth demands a transition from tradition to modernity (Modernization Theory, 2021, slide 3). The idea indicates that underdeveloped countries should abandon tradition and embrace modernity by changing values and replicating rich-country experiences. China successfully applied modernization theory and has undergone substantial growth and development by adopting modernity and replicating the strategies utilized by developed Western nations. However, modernity failed in other countries due to external production needs and social control by developed nations. Rapid modernization also creates social inequalities since a few people may become affluent while the majority suffers abject poverty (Inequalities, 2021). According to (Valenzuela & Valenzuela, 1978), modernization can cause dependency particularly among developing nations. It hinders development because poor countries depend on wealthy nations to move forward.
Economic models addressed include liberalism, African socialism, and Neoliberalism. Liberalism draws from Adam Smith’s concept of the invisible hand, which helps achieve market equilibrium without state interventions. In a free market, individuals specialize in different areas and offer their products in the market to get the maximum value (State-led Development, 2021, slide 2). Liberalism is helpful for international development because it encourages the government to offer individua...
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