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Surrogacy: The Livelihood and Struggle of Women

Essay Instructions:

1. Some argue that the money obtained from surrogacy improves the lives of surrogates and their families. Provide a critique of this perspective in relation to colonialism and neo-colonialism. That is, what kinds of economic factors influence their choice to pursue this work? Widening the lens from the local to global, how do economic relations between the Global North and Global South inform international surrogacy? Who are surrogates in India gestating embryos for?

(Word count limit: 500 words)

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Surrogacy: The Livelihood and Struggle of Women
[Date]Governance over one's body is still on debate under several aspects. In most cases, this issue is all about women's rights and liberty to decide for their bodies. Issues like abortion, sexual consent, and ways of clothing all point at women and their struggle to defend their rights over their bodies. Let us look at another aspect that also deals with women's body - surrogacy. Surrogacy is a medical technology of pregnancy that utilizes another woman's womb to carry the child of other people. These women either allow sperm to develop a baby with their eggs or have the fetus implanted and develop in their womb. Medical assistance to this type of pregnancy is the Vitro fertilization, which assists a healthy surrogacy to avoid genetic conflicts (Templeton, Morris, & Parslow, 1996). Surrogacy allows pregnancy without sexual intercourse that is why some women could carry a child of another couple.
Surrogacy has become an industry in some third world countries where poor women seek occupations to fend for their families. In India, this industry is exploited as there are a lot of women that need a source of income. Indian women from the poor sector are hired as surrogates to foreign couples or even single parents (Pande, 2010). It has become an option for them because it pays generously. Some critics, mostly the ethical and conservative ones, condemn this practice because they think it neglects the value of motherhood and parenthood. That is why surrogacy is a controversial topic.
An argument says that surrogacy elevates the lives of surrogate women (Panitch, 2013). It is because the industry is in demand in countries that are strict about surrogacy; that is why people would seek and pay a fortune for this medical process. However, the popular...
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