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Political Science 21A: Question Set #3. Congress and the Presidency

Essay Instructions:


I am giving you my third Question #3 on Political science class .

I got 63 /100 on first assignment and second one is 86 /100 which you provided

Here is also a guide line that professor wants to see.


for The Presidency par

Thank you for your help .


I wanted to provide you some guidelines for responding to the question set questions moving forward.


First, we wanted to clarify that your answers are not meant to be essay length. You should aim to keep each of your responses in the question set to around 300 words. 


You are welcome to write your answers in traditional paragraph form.


However, you are also  welcome to start each response with a topic sentence and then provide bullet points with the key details and information if you find that to be a more efficient approach.  


For example, if you were writing an answer about the differences between the Constitution of the United States and the Articles of Confederation you could write:


The Constitution of the United States was specifically designed to address several weaknesses of government that had been revealed under the Articles of Confederation.

  • The Constitution created a much stronger national government-- increasing powers of Congress and a newly created office of the president. For example...
  • The Constitution empowered Congress to raise tax revenue, giving the new national government the ability to overcome collective action problems by raising revenues and provide for public goods like national defense. For example...
  • The Constitution created the executive branch and the presidency to allow for quick action in times of crises. For example...

Note that the "For example..." sections are places where you would fill in your own perspective of details for each answer.


Regardless of whether you write in paragraphs or bullet points,  your work should show your own thinking on the topic.  Please do not copy and paste from resources you find online or elsewhere!


In this online course, we are giving you the opportunity to develop your responses with access to your notes, textbooks, and any other resources you have available.  We expect that your work represents your own best effort to think about the questions and answer them with your own perspective.  In fact, what we are really looking for is evidence that you can explain and then contextualize the questions in a way that makes sense to you and with your own historical or contemporary examples.  This demonstrates to us that you are really mastering the material.  


I hope this helps you as you prepare your responses on the Question Sets.


Please remember that we will be dropping your lowest score on the question sets! So when we calculate your final grade it will be based only on the 4 highest scores!


I hope this helps you prepare moving forward.

Best and good luck.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

1 a) What are the varying goals that shape the behavior of members of Congress? b) How does the incentive for re-election shape their behavior? c) How can it lead them to be both individually responsive but collectively irresponsible?
Several goals shape the behavior of the members of Congress. They include partisanship, divided Government, and the election process. Most of the Congress members seek their constituents to re-elect them, making them behave in a certain way while in office. Partisanship refers to a member of Congress having firm support for a particular political party. Partisan division in Congress may paralyze the legislative's functioning and may lead to compromise or extensive negotiations. Similarly, when the executive and the Government's legislative branches are divided, partisan standoffs like the Congress refuse to appoint candidates proposed by the president. Partisanship has a more significant effect in Congress as it may also lead to the members favoring a particular party (Davidson et al., 2013).
The primary shaper of the behavior, however, is the re-election into the office. Most scholars argue that members of Congress do not prioritize the interests of their constituents. Instead, they attend to their personal needs first. Similarly, most people prioritize party loyalty and only vote for the loyal members of their parties. Therefore, party loyalty shapes their behavior because it determines the fate of re-elections. In the same spirit, the Congress members follow what the majority of the people to be the course to gain public trust for re-elections.
The quest for a re-lection makes the members of Congress individually responsible but collectively irresponsible. The main aim of Congress is to address the interests of the constituents (Arnold, 1993). However, they often forget this work and become selfish in protecting their positions and ensuring that they are re-elected for the next term. This way, they begin to drum up for courses that make them 'great' as individuals but forget their collective role as Congress members. For example, when they will always go back to their constituents and tell them how their colleagues are letting them down by not passing crucial policies. This is meant to cleanse their names but blaming their failures on the rest of the members.
2 a) What are the benefits of the Congressional committee system? b) What are the possible downsides? c) How do the parties use this structure to their advantage?
The congressional committee system is essential because of the function it plays. Information published on the Government's website states that committees help keep check of the government projects and identify any legible issues for legislative reviews. They also gather and evaluate information and then recommend favorable courses of action. Different types of house committees include standing committees, joint committee, and the special committee. Standing committees have legislative jurisdiction; they consider bills and issues then recommend measures to consider by their respective chambers. Special or select committees are formed to conduct investigation and studies or consider steps on some occasions. They mostly examine emerging issues. Joint committees are permanent and perform housekeeping tasks rather than consider measures (Martin & Thomas, 2013).
These congressional committee systems can be useful, but they may have their downsides. Since Congress plays a part in selecting the committee members, it may not be very objective, leading to selecting members who will only promote particular interests. This consequently makes them not to perform their designated duties but to serve the interests of the members who selected them. Additionally, these committees might be lenient on oversight of the Government hence a downside.
Parties can sometimes use these structures for their advantage, starting from selecting the members of the committees. Most of the issues the congressional committee is formed to address are involve the performance of the Government (Martin & Thomas, 2013). Most of these member committees will address the interests of their parties. For example, suppose the house committee is formed to investigate an irregularity on tender allocation for an individual project. In that case, the ...
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