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Support Teachers: Professional Development

Essay Instructions:

Refer to the Scenario for Assignments 1-5. 1- Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you: 2- Make revisions to Assignment 3 based on feedback from your professor. 3- Determine at least three (3) benefits of and one (1) limitation of peer coaching or mentoring. 4- Propose at least three (3) artifacts and the rationale for their inclusion in a portfolio. 5- Analyze three (3) key issues and challenges of confronting marginal teaching, proposing at least one (1) way to address marginal teaching. 6- Propose at least three (3) reasons for continued professional development and at least two (2) ways a nonsupervisory can foster professional development at his / her school. 7- Develop an annotated list of at least five supervision and leadership skills to be addressed in the workshop. 8- Propose one (1) instructional activity, along with a rationale for the activity that requires the attendees to participate http://www(dot)comm100(dot)com/livechatas a group and produce a teacher resource for peer coaching. 9- Propose one (1) instructional activity, along with a rationale for the activity that requires the attendees to participate as a group and produce a teacher resource for evaluating portfolios. 10- Propose one (1) instructional activity, along with a rationale for the activity that requires the attendees to participate as a group and produce a teacher resource for evaluating and guiding marginal teachers. Provide at least three (3) relevant and credible references (published within the past five (5) years), documented according to APA, to support your views.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Support Trainers’ Professional Development

Support Trainers’ Professional Development
There has been performance of effective research that continues to be conducted in schools and it has been able to connect collaborative deeds as well as collegiality in trainers or teachers. This has contributed to a number of gains in the learning of students. Such programs like peer coaching and mentoring have been widely embraced while the researchers for education continue to advocate for it (Colvin & Ashman, 2010). These programs are preferred as they are believed to possess a number of benefits. Mentoring and peer coaching have an approach that is both formal as well as extensive. The benefits of mentoring may include the fact of using experienced trainers of higher levels such as masters and they support and help both the new trainers and experienced trainers that may be new within the district.
Further, there is also a display of many advantages in the same practice because it decreases the tendency of feeling isolated from others, as teachers are permitted to have adequate time of interaction. Peer coaching also enable trainers to implement new teaching strategies in an effective manner, without which they wouldn’t have known via other means. The higher level teachers who serve as trainers are more experienced and they don’t hold back any necessary information, thus, enabling the new and older teachers to gain a lot. The constructive atmosphere is beneficial to trainers in that they exchange ideas as they form stronger bond in relationship and teamwork in the entire process. In addition, the faculty is re-energized through the new strategies and ideas of learning and this makes the experience of both learning and teaching uncomplicated and more fun. Nevertheless, there are a number of limitations of mentoring and peer coaching may hinder its progress. One of the main limitations includes failure of the education centers to work together with the organization and management of mentoring and coaching. This result to deprivation of the management the adequate time needed in training the trainers. Therefore, this would mean that a limited number of education institutions offer such systems while the others still lag behind.
Mentoring and Peer Coaching
Mentoring and peer coaching can be termed as a process of professional progress which needs the agreement of teachers or trainers to participate. In addition, the process provide chances of learning that allows trainers in further enhancing and sharing the professional abilities that they possess, including also knowledge and understanding. The mentoring and peer coaching practice is centered on the observations of the trainers in the classroom even though it may also involve other elements. To make it efficient, the trainers that are being observed are needed to have confidence in the observers and be comfortable when in the class. More so, the exercise in class ought to concern providing further mutual insights about the things that happen in the classroom. Thus, the observer trainers need not make extra work because the main aim is to decrease the workload. Mentoring and peer coaching, additionally, campaigns for a reciprocal as well as common approach through which two trainers possess the chance of observing as well as being observed, while receiving and giving feedback. Mentoring and peer coaching is a process that eradicates hierarchical traits regardless of the position status of the involved participants, since both partners center on offering and receiving the professional support.
Challenges and Issues of Confronting Marginal Teaching
Many schools are encountering continuous challenges while considering the marginal teachers. The challenges force them to use a method of directive control in order to foster improvement for teachers without them considering quitting their career or rather a particular school. The efforts of introducing and dealing with marginal training are normally dragged behind due to various issues. Some of the districts within particular states may be short of career paths which are obviously delineated so that one can become a hybrid, master, mentor or specialized trainers who are linked to professional enhancement and objective levels which promote the aspirations of the trainers. More so, some of the teachers do not have pay differentials which recognizes the ranges of achievements so that a master teacher can be capable of earning almost the same amount as the administrator. This fact may mainly lead to their lack of motivation in improving or learning as there lacks room for better salaries or professional heights. The marginal teachers that are hard headed may simply refuse to comply with the introduced collaboration programs like the mentoring and coaching since they have negative attitude. However, all may not be lost as there ar...
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