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American Class Perspectives

Essay Instructions:

Examine how the American class system looks from the perspective of people of color, women, and people with non-traditional gender orientation. Please give scrupulous attention to the idea that how we think and act as a gender and as a sexual being is not a choice, but an orientation that seems to be largely predisposed. Rely heavily on the required readings as you use a sociological perspective to compare and contrast the reported experiences of different individuals from different minority groups. Add to the required readings with reading done on your own. The final product is to be a 3- to 4-page paper, properly cited and formatted according to CSU-Global APA style requirements. Sources such as Wikipedia, USA Today, Fox or MSNBC news are not acceptable. This is an individual paper, however, you should reflect on our Discussion Forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Classes

America is one of the most metropolitan countries in the world, with a number of races living in the different states. One would think that this is a good thing and most of the people from the different races and tribes fit in the social cloth in a close knit of equality and justice (Pbs.org, 2014). Ideally, there is a system of social classes that determine the privileges, challenges and the opportunities that one has in their lives and that of their children. The idea of the American dream is born of the populations that are struggling to feel that they fit in the society and can have the same level of benefits as the rest of the population that is privileged. People of color, women and people with non-traditional sexual preferences have come to bear the blunt of the social classes and stereotyping in the American society.
In America most of the people do not want to hear that there are social classes that leave some of the people from the different backgrounds out of the loop of social justice and equality (Pbs.org, 2014). In Britain on the other hand, some of the masses have come to understand that there are classes within the social system. As a capitalist nation America, cannot fed off the aspect of social classes as a few of the populace top the social pyramids while the majority live within the bottom of the pyramid. People at the top are rich and with lots of opportunities, while the ones at the bottom are merely surviving (Church, 2012).
Since the days of slavery, people of color have had to resign to the bottom of the social order. They have been viewed as lesser people and treated in a manner that implies they cannot hold special positions in the society. Although there have been massive efforts in the past to make sure that the people of color, are not treated as lesser human beings, there are still traces of the mediocre treatment throughout the states. Over the years the people of colors have come to believe that they are lesser persons and most of them have resigned to the lower social classes. One of the aspects that come out with respect to social classes is that the society has come to believe the people of color are lesser beings. In the prisons today most of the people that are in the systems are either African Americans or Hispanics (Todd & Ritchie, 2014). This is the case despite the numerous campaigns that have come over the years to ensure reduced stereotyping. The fact that most of the criminals come from the minorities in the society, is not indicative of the fact that they are delinquent by nature, but that is what has been painted in the bigger social class picture. The white Americans have been found to be involved in crime just as much, but the negative publicity does not affect them. This kind social class system has not only affected the social status of the people of color in the society, but it extends to the education systems as well. With lesser education, the people of colors tend to be resigned to the lesser social classes from the very start.
Women in the society have fought a good fight and there are still traces of the social discrimination along the sexual lines. From ...
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