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Summarize the A.A Meeting: Opening Comments, Newcomers

Essay Instructions:

this will be a two page paper instruction are added The reading from chapter 34 will help you It is about a AA meeting I went to as a support group answer the questions describe the fromat of the meeting I attented all AA meeting are the same. identify the major concepts books not prayer yes, explain the purpost of each concept describe each of the following close meeting, open meeting, steps, sponsor, and home group I need 4 scholarly resources in-text-citations. the book is one source give me three other scholarly total of 4. they told the rules turn off all cell phones or put them on vitabrite, told where the bathroon were, no cross talking read the reading in order of find that for me.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A.A Meeting
Insert Name:
Institutional Affiliation:
Due Date:
Part One: Summarize the Meeting
2. The format of the meeting attended
The member who led the meeting welcomed the group members who attended the meeting. The member leading the group introduced his name and said that today; it was his turn to lead the meeting. Meeting was expected to proceed uninterruptedly; therefore members were requested to switch their phoned off and cooperation (Anonymous Author, Chapter 34).
The member leading the meeting requested the group members to join in to recite the Serenity Prayer.
Opening comments
The member leading the meeting said that this group was dedicated to developing a safe place for members to share their hope, strengths and experiences with one another which they may resolve their common challenges and assist others to recover from alcoholism. To become members, individuals were only required to have the desire of stopping drinking. The group meeting was also opened to people who were not alcoholics. There were a few newcomers. There were no fees or dues charged for A.A membership. This was a self-supporting group through contributions of the members. The group was not affiliated to any organization, denomination, sect, institution or politics, and did not involve in any controversy (Anonymous Author, Chapter 34). The key purpose of the group was to help members to stay sober and assist other alcoholics in attaining sobriety.
How the group works
The member leading the meeting read “how the group functions” from the A.A Big Book (chapter 5). The member read the twelve steps that were a vital foundation for the group and clarified the meaning of the twelve steps to the group (Anonymous Author, Chapter 34). The member leading the meeting reminded the group members about basic group guidelines, traditions and principles of A.A support group. Members were expected to keep confidentiality of whatever they shared in the meeting, were expected to share what they were tackling that day or during that week, and shared their feelings about their hope, strengths and experience.
The member leading the meeting requested any new members to introduce themselves and say where they come from. There were a few newcomers. A new member was not only anybody who had a desire to stop drinking, but also any person who had the desire in knowing the A.A programs.
The member leading the meeting requested all group members to introduce themselves by saying their first name only. If a member, who wanted to identify his primary addiction as part of his or her introduction, was welcome to do so. The member leading the meeting then introduced chairperson, secretary, and treasurer of the group so that leaders of the A.A support group to be known to the newcomers.
The member leading the meeting said that day’s meeting was on how to avoid relapses. Group members had a free time to share their views. It was discussion forum/ learning lesson where members were encouraged to share.
Prior planning was made for the members to make contributions. This was a self-supporting group that survives through its own contribution. Members were requested to make contribution because such contributions help the group to conduct its programs.
Any announcement about group events, business or recovery-related issues was raised. Any announcement was made.
Closing the meeting
Meeting was closed through conducting final prayer.
3. Describe the content of the meeting
The member leading the meeting said that day’s topic was about how to avoid relapses and said some brief comments. He then put ...
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