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Substance Use Disorder (SUD): Physical, Behavioral, and Oral Signs and Symptoms

Essay Instructions:

Write a 2-page paper in which you address the following:

Identify the physical, behavioral, and oral signs and symptoms that the person in the scenario is exhibiting.

To what extent do these signs and symptoms indicate more of a substance use issue or more of a mental health issue, and how would that inform your approach?

Describe what you believe to be the most important first action to take in your crisis response. Provide justification.

Louise is a case manager for the Hart City Substance Abuse Clinic and is working with Reggie, a man with a history of alcohol addiction. Today Louise arrives at Reggie’s home to take him to his usual Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mental Health W3 Assignment
Course code and title
Physical, Behavioral, and Oral Signs and Symptoms
Reggie is experiencing substance use disorder (SUD), a treatable mental disorder that can be identified from physical, behavioral, and oral symptoms. The physical symptoms Reggie exhibited include not observing his personal hygiene observed from the disorganized room with empty alcohol bottles spilled all over. Additionally, he communicates in slurred speech and is unable to maintain a steady gait while talking to Louise, showing poor coordination. The behavioral symptoms include increased and uncontrolled substance consumption, and his belief that it’s the only thing that can sustain him. Also, he neglects to attend his usual anonymous meeting, thinking Louise and the support group are against him and neglects to take his medications as required (NIMH, 2023). In addition, there are many alcohol bottles scattered in his room, showing his ability to tolerate more alcohol. At the same time, his avoidance to converse with Louise on the couch indicates social avoidance. Lastly, oral symptoms include his inability to quit alcohol and belief that alcohol relieves his emotional distress.
The extent to which the Signs And Symptoms Indicate more of a Substance Use Issue or more of a Mental Health Issue and how that would inform an approach
Reggie’s signs and symptoms indicate issues with both substance use and mental health issues. Other than the physical and behavioral symptoms of substance use disorder discussed above, Reggie also has a mental illness called schizophrenia. Schizophrenia categorizes symptoms into three; psychotic, negative, and cognitive. Reggie has psychotic symptoms since he hallucinates and has voices that tell him the support group and Louise are against him, besides he has a movement disord...
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