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Mental Health Crisis Response on Warning Signs of Suicide

Essay Instructions:

Discussion Post:

Post your initial response to the following: What are the warning signs of suicide in the scenario? What else about the circumstances puts the person at increased risk for suicide? How would you provide immediate mental health crisis response?

Note: Read this scenario for the Week 5 Discussion.

You are a case manager at the community center assisting people who have experienced homelessness and psychiatric placement. You have been working with Gina, a mother of three, after she left her significant other who was abusive. Gina has a history of depression and anxiety. She is currently having trouble maintaining her job due to childcare issues.

Gina has always been enthusiastic and happy to chat during your appointments. Today, Gina comes to the center for a check-in, and you notice that she does not appear to be herself. She appears to be down and withdrawn

When you greet Gina, she does not respond.

When you mention how she appears to be down and you ask if everything is all right, she says, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

During the appointment, she is lethargic and isn’t concentrating. When you offer to end the appointment, she says, “Fine, I’m not worth spending your time on. I may as well be dead anyway.”

At this point, she walks out of your office and leaves the building. A few minutes later, someone comes into the building stating there is someone in the upper story of the parking garage crying uncontrollably and contemplating jumping. You go out and observe that it is Gina.

How would you assist Gina and ensure her safety?

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Mental Health & Crisis Response

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Mental Health & Crisis Response

Suicidal cases are common leading causes of death globally. However, in several instances, suicide can be prevented. Understanding the risk factors and telltale signs, including a person discussing their desire to die, can be vital in preventing these deaths. Gina's history of depression and anxiety portrays suicidal thoughts. Studies show that people who commit suicide have mental illnesses, mainly depressive disorder (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2023). Moderate or severe depression is linked with thoughts of suicide or attempt of suicide. Moreover, Gina's inability to maintain her job because of childcare problems and lack of concentration may be another warning sign. These problems might lead to stress 

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