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Strong Work Ethic, Integrity, and Positive Attitude in Professional Environment

Essay Instructions:

GEA 1: Ethical Lens Inventory and Professional Ethics Essay
Complete the online Ethical Lens Inventory survey and write a Professional Ethics Essay that translates your core values into specific behaviors you will follow in your professional life. The Ethical Lens Inventory™ (ELI) is 36-question instruments that will help you identify your preferred ethical perspective and reflect on how your personal core values influence your decisions. The ELI will also introduce you to The Four Ethical Lenses™, four perspectives for analyzing ethical dilemmas.
This assignment counts for 15% of your final grade. The Essay (see step 2-4 below) will be graded for both content and writing (e.g., grammar). Minimum word count: 500 Words
• For this assignment, please submit BOTH a copy of your Ethical Lens Inventory (ELI) results AND your Professional Ethics Essay to Canvas by the end of Sunday in Week 7.
• You are advised to structure each step (#2-4) in a separate section of your essay, with each section clearly labeled.
• This assignment is individual-based, and you should complete it yourself. Do NOT consult any of your classmates.
Step 1: Complete the Ethical Lens Inventory (ELI). Download and attach a copy of your results when you submit this assignment on Canvas. (see Figure of Example ELI results below)
Figure: Example Ethical Lens Inventory Result
Step 2: Write your Professional Ethics Statement which should be completed after reflection on your ELI results. Reflect on the dilemmas you may be faced with in your professional life and assess what are the most important values to you in your professional life. Create a professional ethics statement to guide your professional life.
• NOTE: the values listed in your professional ethics statement should NOT be the core values from your ELI results. Use your OWN words to describe the values.
Ideas to prime the pump:
• Reflect on which values are the most important to you in your work life.
• Keep the statement simple and clear. Whether you are writing a short statement or a longer reflection, make sure you use words that you understand and have meaning for you.
• Keep your statement positive. Focus on your strengths and your ethical aspirations.
• Your professional statement should touch upon who you are (your character) and the values that have a significant positive impact on your work life.
• Include behaviors and character traits that you consider particularly important or ones you want to develop further.
• Be creative and come up with your own words so that your statement reflects who you are.
Example statement shells that you might use (note: you are not limited by these examples):
• [Choose two to four values] serve as the foundation for my work life …. To follow these values, I [specific behaviors that show how you live by these values] to live out my core ethical principles.
• I choose to live my work life applying [choose two to four values] and I express these values by [specific behaviors that show how you live by these values] to build a strong ethical character.
• I value [choose two to four values] because [reasons why these values are important to you]. Accordingly, I will [what you can do to live by these values] to build strong, fair relationships within my work environment.
• I live each day with [choose two to four values] so that [what living by these values will give you]. I will do this by [specific behaviors you will use to live by these values] to achieve my ethical goals.
Step 3: After you write your professional ethical statement in Step 2, defend your statement.
In particular, look back at the information about your primary/preferred lens from your ELI results:
a) Write a short statement of how well your professional ethics statement (in Step 2) reflects the core values of your primary/preferred ELI lens, as well as areas of growth for that lens.
b) Include a discussion how you might best deal with your blind spot identified in your ELI results.
Note: if you fall on the border of two (or even three) lenses, you may choose any one as your primary/preferred lens.
Step 4: Compare and contrast your primary/preferred ethical lens perspective with at least one other lens. In addition, discuss how you would respect those differences in professional environments.
a) When you do the “compare and contrast”, make sure you clearly identify similarities and differences/conflicts.
b) When you discuss how to respect those differences between your lens and another lens in professional environments, strive to develop strong arguments. To learn how to build effective/strong arguments, watch the “7 Building Blocks of Effective Arguments” video on the “Writing Resources” page in this week’s module.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Strong Work Ethic, Integrity, and Positive Attitude in Professional Environment
Step 1
Step 2
I choose to live my work life applying the values of a strong work ethic, positive attitude, and integrity. I employ these values by working hard and adopting efficient methods of streamlining my work, such as incorporating computer programs. I often engage with people who inspire me to do better and look beyond the inevitable challenges of my job. Additionally, I strive to follow the company’s policies and guidelines, take responsibility for my projects, and practice sound morals. These push me to become an authentic team member and live out my core ethical principles.
Step 3
A strong work ethic, integrity, and positive attitude reflect my result lens characterized by sensibility and autonomy. The best way to learn and become successful in my career is by doing what is best for my bosses and me. Thus, working extremely hard, meeting my daily objectives to avoid falling behind, and evolving to become more efficient enables me to observe my solid work ethic. Consequently, this satisfies my intuition of doing what is best for my bosses. My value of integrity reflects the core value of autonomy. As an honest employee, I am straightforward, take responsibility for my work, and am truthful. As a result, my manager has faith in my performance and gives me the freedom to make vital decisions about my projects and choose with whom to work, which provides me with autonomy. Also, my positive attitude reflects the core values of sensibility and autonomy. A positive attitude enables me to concentrate on the job’s positive aspects even with challenges to please my boss by achieving all goals. Also, I am motivated to try out new ideas that make my work better independently.
I would best deal with my blind spot of being satisfied with too little by reasoning in decision-making. My core value is making my bosses happy by being sensitive to what they want and expect from me. Nevertheless, I would strive to employ logical judgment of situations to determine what is best for me. Judging things entirely and un...
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