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Summary of ISIS/ISIL and Why it's a Threat to America

Essay Instructions:

Understanding the Threat. Summarize who ISIS/ISIL is and why ISIS/ISIL is a threat to America.
Intelligence Assets and Capability. Based on the threat, select three intelligence agencies to generate actionable intelligence on ISIS/ISIL. Describe the capabilities of the intelligence asset and the type of intelligence gathered by the intelligence agency. Finally, explain how the combination of the three intelligence assets will work together to provide a better understanding of the threat, the methods, and capabilities of ISIS/ISIL.
Develop a Request For Intelligence (RFI). Based on your analysis of the threat, voids in intelligence on the threat, and the available intelligence assets, develop a specific request for intelligence (RFI) from the appropriate intelligence agencies to identify future intelligence requirements.
DHS Recommendations to Law Enforcement Agencies. Provide a minimum of two recommendations from DHS to law enforcement agencies to adjust operations to counter the ISIS/ISIL threat to America.

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Countering the ISIS Threat
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One of the greatest roles of any government is to provide security to its citizens. For America, this role is a top priority. Therefore, any force internal or external force that attempts to interfere with the security and wellbeing of Americans must be distinguished at all costs. One such force is ISIS/ ISIL. This paper will focus on this terrorist group and explain why it is a threat to America. Further, key intelligence agencies for gathering information concerning the group will be discussed. Finally, the paper will also provide a request for intelligence and make some recommendations to the law enforcement agencies. 
Summary of ISIS/ ISIL and why It’s a Threat to America
The Islamic State is a Sunni jihadist group. Sunni can be generally described as one sect of the Muslim religion (Winter, 2018). The Sunni jihadist group identified here has a particularly violent ideology. The ideology is mainly based on their religion about how things should be and how their god should be worshiped. The Islamic state’s violent ideology is that it has power over all people who profess the Muslim faith. The group aims to ensure that it assumes this power so that there is no other Muslim sect other than what they have established. In a bid to achieve this goal, the jihadist group has formed some very well-organized methods of financing and management (Roy, 2017). Further, it has mechanisms for raising funds to continue propagating its agenda. It also uses social media to advance its course since social media is one of the greatest tools to reach many people in modern society. It is important to note that ISIS may have other goals that are yet to become clear to the rest of the world. Scholars admit that it is hard to decipher what the group wants and why they fight so religiously up to date. While most people would consider ISIS a group of psychopaths based on their behavior and ideologies, it seems to be very well organized and dedicated to its course.
There are several reasons why ISIS/ISIL is a threat to America. First, the group poses an existential threat to America since they accelerate the collapse of the world order and interfere with global peace and wellbeing. They also engage in activities that go against America’s core values and way of life. The group has consistently directed attacks on America and its friends/partners. The second main reason why the group is a threat to America is the overwhelming evidence that the group is not only a terrorist group but an insurgency. Evidence has revealed that while the group uses terrorism as a tactic, its main aim is to overthrow all the Middle East governments. After establishing their rule in the whole of the middle east, the group then plans to overthrow all the other governments in the world. Being a country that values peace, autonomy, and independent governance, America cannot allow such an ideology to continue taking root. Based on this radical ideology, the group poses a great threat to America and its people. The other main reason why the group poses a threat to America is through interfering with the rights and freedoms of Americans living abroad. This point particularly applies to the Americans living in the Middle East. The security of citizens is a great priority of the American government. Therefore, any entity that interferes with such security threatens the American government and its people.
Intelligent Assets and Capability
Several intelligence agencies in the United States generate actionable intelligence on ISIS. Three of these intelligence authorities are air force intelligence, defense intelligence agency, and the central intelligence authority. The following is a description of the capabilities of these defense agencies and the type of intelligence they gather. Air force intelligence is mainly concerned with gathering airborne and space intelligence (Jackson, 2018). The department is also tasked with the responsibility of gathering intelligence from cyber security sensors. When it comes to gathering intelligence on ISIS, the Air Force intelligence team surveys the airspace to collect any information that may affect the security and wellbeing of America. Further, the agency is also responsible for surveying any cyber security threats to America. By gathering this information, the agency can monitor any airspace or cybersecurity threats by ISIS.
On the other hand, the defense intelligence agency works to provide military intelligence to both combat fighters and policymakers (Valeri & Borgeson, 2018). The department is well equipped to offer intelligence from various parts of the world to keep America safe. The type of intelligence gathered by this agency includes foreign military intelligence and technological intelligence. The agency can help provide intelligence on the kind of weapons and strategies being used by ISIS. With...
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