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Strengthening the Nation's Security, Economy, and Public Health

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is an essay assignment of three questions for which you are expected to respond to the question being posed entirely. Please see the template for the specific format for submission.

Essay 1:

Enhancing the resilience of our critical infrastructure to all hazards is a national imperative. Nowhere is this truer than in the agriculture and food sector. A significant proportion of the US's agriculture and food system's critical infrastructure is privately owned or operated on a commercial basis. In most cases, the owners and operators of critical infrastructure are best placed to manage risks to their operations and determine the most appropriate mitigation strategies. Suppose you were the Secretary of Homeland Security; what plan would you employ with the Secretary of Agriculture to ensure the maximum resilience for the agriculture and food system within the US? For this first essay, write a joint approach to this issue that would be shared with the White House Chief of Staff.

Essay 2:

Over the past five years, the number of successful hacking events on the US energy and banking system has increased significantly. The banking system is especially vulnerable because of the very nature of "online banking." In 2020, published reports indicated a hacking of US Government and private systems that touched on nearly every aspect of many different agencies. For this essay, you are the Secretary of The Treasury. You have assembled a Chartered Presidential approved group to develop a 10-step approach to enhancing the resilience of the banking sector in the way of the 2020 attack. In a memo, describe the steps you would take to strengthen the resilience of this system. Where do you see the significant vulnerability now, and what is the biggest risk factor that needs to be addressed?

Essay 3:

For the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted how nearly every citizen in the United States and the world conducts their daily life. The impact on the human psyche, livelihoods, economy, and personal resilience has been significant. Based on peer-reviewed references beyond the class, what steps does the United States need to take – both short and long-term – to enhance national resilience based on the Lessons Learned from the virus? Be specific.

Technical Requirements

• Your paper must be at least 6-9 pages, or 2-3 pages per question (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).

• Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is to use at least two scholarly sources per page of content.

• Type in Times New Roman, 12 point, and double space.

• Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.

• Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic-type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.

• All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Final Assignment

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Resilience and Homeland Security

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Final Assignment

These days, national security, financial stability, and public health are more intertwined than ever. The first essay describes a Homeland Security-Agriculture collaboration to strengthen national resilience to diverse risks. The second essay is a memo from the Treasury Secretary to the President that proposes a 10-step strategy to protect the U.S. banking sector from rising cybersecurity threats. The third essay discusses the profound lessons from the two-year COVID-19 pandemic, including short-term measures like improving public health infrastructure and supply chain resilience and long-term strategies like global health diplomacy, healthcare system redesign, and technology and data analytics integration. These essays show that a holistic strategy is needed to strengthen the nation's security, economy, and public health in the face of complex difficulties. Strategic regulatory frameworks, research and development investments, government-private sector engagement, and global cooperation are recurring themes. Building resilience and protecting the nation from emerging dangers requires this comprehensive agricultural, financial, and public health plan.

Question 1: Enhancing the resilience of our critical infrastructure to all hazards is a national imperative. Nowhere is this truer than in the agriculture and food sector. A significant proportion of the U.S.'s agriculture and food system's critical infrastructure is privately owned or operated on a commercial basis. In most cases, the owners and operators of critical infrastructure are best placed to manage risks to their operations and determine the most appropriate mitigation strategies. Suppose you were the Secretary of Homeland Security; what plan would you employ with the Secretary of Agriculture to ensure the maximum resilience for the agriculture and food system within the U.S.? For this first essay, write a joint approach to this issue that would be shared with the White House

Chief of Staff.

Agriculture and food security ensure national security by feeding the population and stabilizing the economy. This essential infrastructure must be resilient to protect the nation from various hazards. This essay describes the Secretaries of Homeland Security and Agriculture's cooperative strategy with the White House Chief of Staff to strengthen the U.S. farm and food system.

Landscape comprehension

Understanding its terrain requires a comprehensive resilience strategy for the agriculture and food system. Agriculture and food are vital to food security and economic stability (Clapp et al., 2022). Privately owned and commercially-run, most of this sector's critical infrastructure requires a holistic strategy that recognizes stakeholder diversity. Farms, processing facilities, and distribution networks comprise the complex U.S. agriculture and food system. The sector's vital infrastructure includes large agricultural fields and advanced food processing factories. This system faces natural disasters like hurricanes and floods, biological dangers like pandemics and crop diseases, and artificial hazards like cyberattacks and terrorism. Successful navigation of this landscape necessitates careful consideration and specialized strategies in tackling its challenges.

Cooperative Risk Management

Agricultural resilience within the food system requires a collaborative risk management approach. Government agencies and private-sector stakeholders must work together, leveraging the experience and operational insights of key infrastructure owners and operators. Effective collaboration hinges on establishing a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) framework (Han, 2023). In this context, information exchange is critical to understanding risks and vulnerabilities. This joint initiative involves detailed risk assessments with critical infrastructure owners and operators to succeed. With stakeholders engaged in risk assessment, an accurate understanding of entity challenges is attainable. Consequently, the private sector can design mitigation strategies explicitly tailored to agricultural activities and other components of food systems. There is a need to consult experts in the field to develop measures to minimize damage resulting from identified risks. Government agencies collaborating with business partners should adopt a holistic and flexible approach, which integrates current scientific advances into its functioning. The U.S., through this type of inclusive collaboration, will see its agriculture industry strengthened by having shared awareness of risks between parties while utilizing public and private capabilities.

Regulatory Framework

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