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Issue in a Community: Affordable Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

ASSIGNMENT: For this assignment, you will write about an issue that is important to you, or to Americans in general. To do this, you will investigate the ways the government has or has not addressed your selected issue. As part of your research, you will choose at least five articles from newspapers, magazines, or other online sources that highlight the government's response to the issue. You will then identify and analyze the government's response and provide a personal reflection on the impact. In doing so, you will deepen your engagement with course content by applying what you’ve learned in Units 1 and 2 about the U.S. federal system and the division of powers among and between the different layers of government. To complete the assignment, download the Government in My Community template, and follow the directions below. You will return the completed template as your Touchstone submission.

Government in My Community Template

Example Government in My Community Submission (PDF)

In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a Plagiarism Detected alert. Review this tutorial for more about plagiarism and the Plagiarism Detected alert: Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines. For guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review Ethical Standards and Appropriate Use of AI.

A. Directions

Step 1: Select an issue that is important to you, to your community, or to Americans in general. Your community could be your geographical community (e.g., your neighborhood, town, or city), a community of people with shared characteristics with whom you identify, or the broader state or national community.

You can choose any issue, but here are some ideas to get you started: immigration; border security; public school policy; public safety; gun rights or gun control; victim rights; student testing; school choice; abortion; access to public transportation or city services; energy, environment, conservation, or economic issues; healthcare (cost of medicines or health insurance, health care access); homelessness; the death penalty.

Step 2: Find and read at least five articles from newspapers, magazines, or other online sources that highlight the government's response to the issue. It is important that your articles do not only describe the issue or present opinions on the issue from general members of the public. Look for sources that communicate how government officials have responded or are responding to the issue. You will be asked to identify government officials by name in your articles.


Ideas for sources include news articles; speeches from political candidates or current office holders; campaign ads; press releases; and data collected from non-profit organizations, among others. The website www(dot)usa(dot)gov can be a good starting point for learning about government responses to various issues. Other online sources for information about government policy and services could include (but are not limited to):

State or local government websites

Political party websites (e.g., democrats.org; www(dot)gop(dot)com)

Step 3: After completing your research and reflecting on what you’ve learned, fill out the Government in My Community template. The suggested total word range is 1500-2500 words. You will respond to the following prompts:

What is the issue or problem that is impacting your state or country? Describe the issue or problem and its effects. (Remember to use in-text citations anytime you paraphrase, summarize, quote, or include data or statistics from your sources!)

In the U.S. federal system, which level of government (state or national) or branch (executive, legislative, judicial) is responsible for addressing the issue? Is there more than one? Explain your reasoning. Be sure to include evidence from the U.S. Constitution and from the course to support your explanation.

Identify all of the government officials discussed in your sources. Include their names and the level of government and agency that the officials represent. For example, are they a member of Congress? A city council member? Or a member of a federal, state, city, or county agency?

How have these government officials attempted to address the issue? Describe their actions, citing evidence from all five articles or other online sources with in-text citations. For help understanding how and when to include in-text citations, see Section D “Additional Resources” (below).

In your opinion, has the government done a good job addressing the issue? Why or why not? What more should be done, and by which level of government?

Step 4: Compile your reference list in the APA style. Section D. “Additional Resources” (below) will help you to understand how to add your sources to the Government in My Community template.

Checklist for Success:

❒ Did you find articles that specifically communicate how government officials have responded or are responding to the issue you’ve selected, and have you identified who those officials are?

❒ Did you complete all sections of the Government in My Community template?

❒ Did you review the grading rubric and compare it to your response?

❒ Did you review the example Government in my Community submission to see an example of a completed assignment?

❒ Did you include in-text citations and a reference list in the APA style for 5 unique sources?

C. Requirements

The following requirements must be met for your submission to be graded:

Use a readable 11- or 12-point font.

All writing must be appropriate for an academic context.

Composition must be original and written for this assignment and all writing must be appropriate for an academic context.

The suggested total word range is 1500-2500 words. Submissions that exceed 6,000 words will be returned.

Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited.

Submission must include your name and the date.

Include all of the assignment components in a single file.

Acceptable file formats include .doc and .docx.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Government in My Community Template

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1 What is the issue or problem that is impacting your community? Describe the issue or problem and its effects. (Remember to use in-text citations anytime you paraphrase, summarize, quote, or include data or statistics from your sources!)

Affordable healthcare is key to every citizen; however, this is not the case In America. Skyrocketing healthcare and prescription drug costs are severely impacting American communities. Prices for medications, health insurance premiums, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket expenses have all risen exponentially, greatly outpacing inflation and wage growth. This increasing unaffordability has devastating financial and health consequences. Over 8% of U.S. adults report not taking prescription medicines as directed due to prohibitive expense (https://www.facebook.com/Health, 2023), 46% struggle to pay doctor bills (Glenza, 2023), and others forego essential medical treatments or testing. The result is that families across the country face impossible choices, pitting necessities like food, housing, or utilities against life-saving care. Untenable trade-offs emerge between paying rent or buying medications. Ultimately, patients ration doses, self-substitute over-the-counter remedies, or leave illnesses entirely untreated - jeopardizing survival and allowing manageable conditions to progress into serious emergencies requiring hospitalizations that also bankrupt households with astronomical bills. The sheer quantity of medical expenses is astonishing, with costs for surgery, scans, ambulance transportation, medical devices, home health aides, physical therapy, and other needs rapidly accumulating. The price tag for different hospitals varies, but considering various tags, the bill is relatively high, with the most common surgery having a tag of $100,000 (Milliken, 2018). Families cannot afford these stunning price tags out-of-pocket after accounting for insurance contributions if any coverage exists at all. Study after study chronicles the resulting severe financial distress from medical bills, including liquidating retirement accounts prematurely, accruing high-interest credit card debt, and wiping out entire savings just to cope with essential care costs for themselves or loved ones. The sheer unpayable quantity of medical debt now drives the majority of U.S. personal bankruptcies annually. In sum, America's unparalleled prescription drug and healthcare costs financially devastate families, endanger community public health outcomes, and severely harm economic productivity through time away from work and livelihood destruction. Community members desperately need policy changes addressing these pocketbook hardships threatening health, financial stability, and family cohesion.

2 In the U.S. federal system, 

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