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Solution to the Israeli/Palestinian issue Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Pick a possible solution to the Israeli/Palestinian issue to explore and defend. This includes the One State, Two State, or any other solutions you come up with.

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Solution to the Israeli/Palestinian Issue
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Solution to the Israeli/Palestinian Issue
The recent Syrian chemical weapons issue has been addressed, and this means it is time to address the most central crisis in the Middle East: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The adversaries have been occurring due to a cycle of failed negotiations and persistent violence. When progress is made towards peace, it is haltered by inevitable setbacks that are fueled by extremists (Rapanyane, 2020). One-state and two-state solutions have been recommended and tried without success, showing the futility of political measures in solving the issue. As such, it is time to shift from a political approach to a humanitarian approach to effectively solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The conventional-wisdom paradigm has been implemented as one of the potential resolutions of the conflict between the two countries, but it has failed woefully. The failure has caused despair and misery to both nations, with the issue weighing more on the Palestinians (Nemer, 2020). The conventional paradigm has been implemented with an attempt to solve the conflict using a political approach that involves establishing a Palestinian entity that is self-governing on territories within Gaza and Judea Samaria. The two territories have been under Israel since 1967, and the approach has sought to use a ‘Land for Peace’ approach. However, dispassionate assessments of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict history and the recent developments strongly suggest that attempts to achieve a political solution through the conventional paradigm are futile and harmful to both countries. As such, this justifies the need for alternative resolutions to be pursued.
A close examination of Palestinian declarations and deeds made over the years leads to the conclusion that they are incapable and unwilling to achieve and maintain statehood. The country’s unwillingness is reflected since the Palestinians have rejected all the proposals put forward since 1947; the proposals aimed at affording them a state (KotasiЕ„ska, 2020). Further, the nation’s incapability is reflected in that the national movement in the country has enjoyed more favorable conditions than any other movement since the Second World War. Despite the support and backing that the movement has received, its achievements have been miserable, and they have brought penury and privation to the citizens. As such, this shows that the resolution of establishing a Palestinian State, which has been recommended under the one-state and two-state approaches, should be pulled out of the international agenda.
Eliminating the issue of establishing a Palestinian State from the agenda does not, however, eliminate the humanitarian predicament that the Palestinians living in Israeli-administered areas face. As such, this is another issue that needs to be addressed, and it should be approached from a humanitarian front, rather than a political one (Johansson-Noguйs, 2020). This justifies the adoption of a humanitarian paradigm to replace the current political paradigm if the Palestinian problem is to be solved successfully. However, the current Palestinian narrative needs to be de-legitimized if the humanitarian paradigm is to be implemented efficiently. This also implies that the de-legitimization of the current Palestinian narrative is a crucial aspect of resolving the Palestinian issue through a humanitarian paradigm.
A humanitarian paradigm for solving the Israeli-Palestinian issue would comprise three primary elements. The first element would be dissolving UNRWA; this would help in ending the discriminatory treatment to which Palestinians in the Israeli territories are subjected due to their refugee status (Sofic, 2020). The second element would be terminating the ethnic discrimination targeted towards the Palestinians who live in the Arab world. This element would help in ending the discrimination that the Palestinians face in the Arab countries due to their being residents. The third element of the humanitarian paradigm would be generously relocating grants to the Palestinians in territories that are administered by Israeli authorities on an individual basis. This relocation should not be done through any official Palestinian organization as it could spar further tensions with the Israeli authorities.
URWA has contributed to the perpetuation of the Palestinian refugee issue. The anomalous organization was formed with the sole duty of dealing with the Palestinian refugees; this is a unique case since all other refugees across the world a...
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