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Sociology Reaction Post and Essay

Essay Instructions:

Sociology Reaction Post

1. What’s something from the lectures this week that surprised you?

2. What’s something from the lectures this week that you learned?

3. What’s something from the lectures this week that you knew already, and where did you learn it?

Watch these two videos and answer the questions above, then write a 2-3 sentence response to this reaction post below.



1. What’s something from the lectures this week that surprised you?

Something that surprised me from this lecture was the clips of Fox news blatantly advertising the tea Party Movement. I obviously am aware of the bias of certain news stations, however I’ve never really looked into how blatant it is. In the news clips shown, Fox News was showing where and when these protests would be, having their news anchors show weird “merch”, and they had commercials specifically for the coverage of the tea party movement. All of that just seems like a little much to me, but I suppose that’s how many people see CNN.

2. What’s something from the lectures this week that you learned?

I learned about the studying rightist movements and how they arise. This is particularly interesting to me because rightist movements oftentimes involve people who support free-enterprise, ethnocentrism, entodemocratic and racist ideologies. Because of the ideas they support they don’t really fit in the previous theories that explain the rise of movements such as the relative deprivation theory. Looking at these types of movements and how they arise is not something I ever really thought about because they don’t align with my thoughts, but it is very interesting and definitely deserves to be studied.

3. What’s something from the lectures this week that you knew already, and where did you learn it?

I already knew about why the Tea Party had such opposition to the election of Obama. Obama and the Tea Party had conflicting ideas about government spending (specifically stimulus packages), bank bailouts and just what Obama stood for. Obama's father was Kenyan so he was seen as foreign to many and therefore he was an educated elite immigrant that was elected to office. I remember seeing the news coverage about people debating Obama’s nationality and ethnicity and how dragged out and crazy it seemed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
1 What’s something from the lectures this week that surprised you?
The most surprising thing from the lectures was concerning the was how movements are formed with underlying political motives. For a long time, I believed that movements such as the Black Lives Matter were majorly focused on fighting for rights of minority groups. This is an exciting revelation for me because most of the frontline fighters in civil rights movements never engage in active politics.
2 What’s something from the lectures this week that you learned?
I learned about the background of the civil rights movement. There are many issues t...
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