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Sociocultural Anthropology Social Sciences Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Anth 1002: Guidance on First Paper
This paper should be roughly four double-spaced pages.
The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate an understanding of a community different from your own by way of an interview with a member of that community. You do not have to provide a transcript of the interview, but papers about interviews are often strengthened by direct quotes from the person being interviewed. You should tell the reader why you picked the person you interviewed, briefly describe the circumstances of the interview, then explain to the reader how your interview subject participates in a particular community and what it means to them to do so. You are welcome to comment on anything you learned from the interview that surprised you.
You should interview someone who is significantly different from you, preferably someone you do not know at all well, then write a description of what community means to them. That means that you should not interview a family member, a roommate, or a fraternity brother/sorority sister. You might write about someone with a different religion than yours, someone whose politics you do not share, or someone of a different race or from a different social class and educational background; you should try to grasp what the world looks like from their point of view.
When you think you have selected someone to write about, it’s a good idea to check your choice with your TA to make sure it fits the assignment. Then take a little time to formulate the questions you want to ask, and go and talk to the person you are writing about. You can do a formal interview, or have an informal conversation with them over dinner or coffee: as you will have seen, anthropologists use both methods of interaction. For this assignment, you do not have to cite any reading but, if you do, you are welcome to use any recognized citational style. But make sure you use the same style throughout. No additional reading is required for this assignment.
Your final grade for the paper will be based on these components: how well you convey the meaning of community for your subject; how well you have organized your arguments; the quality of the writing. The final grade is final: no do-overs. You should submit to your TA both a hard copy, stapled version (12 pt. font, Times New Roman, double-spaced), as well as a digital submission via Blackboard. Include a title and a section heading.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Sociocultural Anthropology
Sociocultural Anthropology
The term community has long been interpreted to mean a group of people sharing some commonalities such as attitudes and interests as well as belonging to one given area. Members of every community across the world have certain particular characteristics that are used to define them or characterize them. Based on this, each community is unique in its way. A restaurant owner, Josh Yang, shared his thoughts on what community means to him and the overall importance of belonging to one. In general, the interview gave a glimpse into the interesting lives of the members of the Chinese American community in the United States.
Some factors motivated the decision to pick Josh Yang for the interview. To begin with, Yang is a member of the Chinese community in America, which has been identified for a long time as being close-knit. In an individualistic society such as that of the United States, having a group that still sticks together is a rare occurrence, which is worth looking into. The other reason for picking him was the fact that he has been in the United States for a very long time and for all that time he has been a member of the Chinese American community in Chinatown. The choice was also motivated by the fact that Josh liked to keep to himself or maintain the company of his fellow Chinese friends just like many other Chinese Americans. When together with his friends, they mostly used Chinese as their language of communication, unlike many other communities that religiously stuck to English. A combination of all these factors made Josh Yang a suitable choice for the interview. The one-on-one interview was conducted in an open place where I introduced myself, allowed Josh Yang to do the same before I outlined the structure and details of the interview. He was the only interviewee.
With the above information in mind, I asked Yang what his idea of community was. His response was, “Community to me means the same goals drive a place where people care for each other and themselves. If, for example, I have a problem, I trust that my next-door neighbor would respond quickly and try to help me, and I would equally do the same to him. That to me is a community; Having a concern for each other, loving each other and being ready to help in case of any problem.” I then inquired if this sense of community was there in the Chinese community to which he belonged and he readily pointed out that the Chinese culture has always been a collectivistic one, and therefore everything is done with a great sense of togetherness. According to him, “The Chinese people around here have learned the value of sticking together, especially considering that we are in a somewhat foreign country. We help each other and are taught to embrace every other person as a brother or sister.”
Having established that the Chinese Americans had a sense of community, I further inquired if any special circumstances ...
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