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Socio-Political Organizational-Leadership Opportunities and Social Control in Gathering and Hunting

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of the “Ethnography” project is to demonstrate an understanding of anthropological theory and ethnological models by applying them in a hypothetical setting.

Randomly formed groups will be assigned a Mode of Subsistence – Gathering & Hunting, Pastoralism, Horticulture, Agriculture – from which you will create a plausible, fictional population (Postindustrialism, the fifth mode of subsistence, will not be assigned due to the complexities of these societies; but it will be used as an example [see below]). Students will use anthropological theory and actual ethnographic information to construct a fictional “ethnography” of their imaginary culture. The fictional “ethnography” will be submitted as a group paper, in APA format, at the end of Week 7.

Ethnographies are highly detailed, holistic descriptions of cultures. To ensure the depth of knowledge necessary, each cultural component described must be based on primary academic sources (although other credible sources may also be used).

To make the project manageable, group members will divide the various cultural aspects for individual research (this research will be used for the Compare/Contrast assignment, as well). Each member is responsible for conducting their own research, but the entire group is responsible for the synthesis of the information which will be presented in the “ethnography” paper.


At least three primary academic sources (not textbooks) should be used for each cultural area. These will be the same sources you use for the Compare/Contrast paper. Sources used for one area (e.g., family structure) can also be used for others (e.g., leadership). To cite your sources in the text, include them after each paragraph, not in the text as you would for APA formatting. All sources must be cited according to APA requirements in the reference list.

Fictional Ethnography example: SOC 306 Ethnography example__Kingdom of Verisimily rev. 2023.pdf Download SOC 306 Ethnography example__Kingdom of Verisimily rev. 2023.pdf

Extra Credit Opportunity:

You have the chance to earn up to 10 points of extra credit on this assignment. Please see the rubric below for how extra credit will be assessed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Socio-Political Organizational-Leadership Opportunities and Social Control in Gathering and Hunting

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Socio-Political Organizational-Leadership Opportunities and Social Control in Gathering and Hunting

The Arvindor Society

The mythical civilization of Arvindor, a made-up people entwined with the tapestry of history, is nestled deep inside the expansive and lush Verdora Forest. The rhythms of nature are intrinsic to the Arvindor way of life, based on subsistence hunting and gathering. Here, the political and social fabric unfolds within an egalitarian framework, fostering decentralized decision-making, collaborative leadership, and a web of interdependent social norms.

Arvindor, a society free of strict hierarchies, pulses with an organic beat between sparkling streams and thick greenery. Leadership develops naturally, changing with the times. The tribe generally looks to experienced hunters, wise elders, or those with specific expertise to lead them on excursions or during conflict. Nevertheless, these responsibilities are temporary and change according to people's abilities and requirements. An ever-changing distribution of power is guaranteed among the inhabitants of Arvindor by the ebb and flow of the

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