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Socialization in the Family

Essay Instructions:

Using this textbook (Kendall,D.(2013).Sociology in Our Times, and resources from the South University Online Library, write a 2 pages essay (12-point font) in which you address each of the following:
Why is the family considered the most important agent of socialization?
What caused the dramatic changes to the American family? What are those changes?
Describe the differences in marriage and family life that are linked to class, race, gender, and personal choice.
What do you make of the growing trend toward diverse families?
If the trend changed toward traditional (pre-World War II) families, how would that affect women’s rights?

Please No Plagiarisms because that I will result in me being put out of school.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Socialization in the Family
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People, including the homeless, belong to a family. A family refers to a social setup of a parent or parents and their children. It can also refer to descendants of a certain ancestor. This paper focuses on the family institution discussing its significance on socialization, causes of dramatic changes in the American family, and the differences in marriage and family life linked to class, race, gender, and personal choice. It also focuses on growing family trends dating back to the traditional family during pre-World War II.
Family is an important agent of socialization because it is the first place every person gets used to since their birth. People are born to parents who inaugurate them to socialization, meaning that children learn most of their personality traits from their parents and immediate caretakers (Tinuola, n.d.). This means that the family goes beyond the biological constraint to include adoptive parents. Therefore, most of a person's social influence is adopted from family members. Once a child is old to join a school, they carry the traits they got from their parents. When they reach the stage of marrying or getting married, they bring children who learn from them, continuing the cycle.
The family institution is undergoing drastic changes in America. Initially, it was rare for married people to divorce. Marriage was also almost mandatory as most people got married voluntarily, but society's unchallenged expectations (Kendall, 2013). Contemporary, the American family is facing an increase in divorce. Other changes that have hit the American family are increasing same-sex marria...
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