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Conditions of Good Health. Social Sciences Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

There are 3 questions to choose from please choose one, they will be included as a document, in total the essay should be around 1500 words including references, i will add a ppt, please try to include references from the ppt if possible. Include a bibliography at the end please. Key readings are included, its preferred to use them if you did find relevant information.

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Conditions of Good Health
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Who should take responsibility for creating the conditions of good health and well-being? One of the most significant challenges being faced in the modern healthcare system is the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Non-communicable diseases, widely famous as chronic or severe diseases, tend to be of long duration and are caused by different environmental, behavioral, physiological and genetic factors. The most common types of chronic illnesses are cardiovascular diseases (stroke and heart attack), cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and chronic respiratory illnesses (asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). According to Danny Dorling, millions of people in low and middle-income countries are affected by non-communicable diseases (Dorling, 2013). Unfortunately, people of all age groups and regions are affected by these severe diseases, so associating them with older age groups makes no sense. Evidence shows that more than 16 million deaths took place from 2015 to 2017 due to non-communicable diseases, and people aging from 20 to 65 were largely impacted. Of these, the percentage of premature deaths is 60 percent, and thousands of elderly, adults and children living in low and middle-income countries are vulnerable to risk factors.
What are the Conditions of Good Health and Wellbeing?
It is said that health is wealth, and getting in the habit of maintaining good health at an early age can help a person enjoy life with its fullest. There are a large number of factors that contribute to good health, but the most significant and valuable are good food, water, proper sleep, and regular exercises.
1. Proper Sleep
During sleep, your body takes complete rest, and damaged cells are repaired or replaced with the new ones. It is your chance to prepare your body and mind for the next day’s challenges. People who do not take enough sleep may soon develop non-communicable diseases (John, 2012). For example, if the quality of your sleep is poor, meaning you are not taking enough sleep or do not remain in a comfortable position, you may soon develop high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and depression. These problems are more common in under-developed states than in developed countries, as people over there have to work hard to earn a living or to meet their expenses.
2. Regular Exercises
A large number of people living in low to middle-income countries do not see exercises as a priority. It has also been observed that those who are illiterate do not even know the significance of exercises and morning walk. As a result, a large number of people spend their lives without doing any physical activities. It is integral for you to do the morning walk or go to the gym so that the body weight is maintained and you can avoid all of the non-communicable diseases to an extent. Childhood obesity is one of the most serious health complications, and this is said to be common among children who are not taught how to take care of their health. Regular exercises can decrease their risks of stroke, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, cancer, arthritis, and type II diabetes (Hardy, 2011). It also improves one’s mood and stimulates chemicals in the brain that make a person feel less stressed, satisfied and happy.
3. Healthy Foods
It is easy for today’s teenagers and adults to get overwhelmed by all the information about what they should eat and what needs to be avoided. However, when it comes to the actual application of the knowledge, they refuse to quit their favorite food items. According to Dick Hebdige, the consumption of junk foods and soft drinks is high, and people living in low, middle and high-income countries equally love eating burgers, pizzas, and French fries, etc. They rarely give any value to fresh vegetables, lean proteins, fruits, nuts and eggs (Hebdige, 2012). Instead, they increase their dependence on refined and sugary foods and oily eatables which are good for nothing. If you want to stay fit, healthy and energetic throughout your life, then it is integral for you to quit what is unhealthy and start consuming fresh and natural fruits, veggies. You should stay miles away from processed foods such as snacks, and you will see how a difference is made in your daily life.
4. Clean Drinking Water
Another condition of health and wellbeing is the availability of pure drinking water. According to A. Bingham, it is possible for a person to survive for up to ten days without food, but it is not possible to survive without water for more than four days (Bingham, 2011). Water is essential for maintaining good health because it helps the body get r...
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