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Social Work on Family Issues

Essay Instructions:


This is a NEW order for the same previous assignment question (#00121419) because I would like to have another essay written by another writer for reference and comparison; I am ok with another suitable writer, but please do not assign the SAME writer for #00121419. Thank you.

Social Work Practice - Working with Clients and their Families.

Min. number of words = 2500 words.

References: APA format.

Min. 5 references.

Textbook: Direct Practice In Social Work. Boyle, S.W., Hull, Jr., G.H., Mather, J.H., Smith, L.L. & Farley, O.W. (2009). Boston: Allyn & Bacon, Pearson.

Answer all the questions in the assignment.

Case study.

The family comprises of Francis TAY, 40, his wife, Elsie, 38 and their two boys, Luke, 12 and

Lewis, 1 month old. Francis runs his own family business with his only younger sibling,

Frannie TAY, a single. They deal mainly with the import of timber from Indonesia. Francis is

required to be out of his home country most of the time.

Elsie is a homemaker. She used to work as a childcare teacher but decided to quit after she

found out that she was pregnant with Lewis. Her poor relationship with her new workplace

supervisor also expedited her decision to quit her job. The family resides in a average apartment flat.

Francis was overseas when Elsie’s water bag burst and she had to go through an emergency

C-section. Lewis was born premature weighing a mere 2 kg. Francis was only able to join the

family after 2 weeks due to the travel restrictions of Covid-19. Hence the first 2 weeks of the

birth of Lewis was a rather stressful period for Elsie. Fortunately, Elsie’s good friend, Nellie

was a good source of support to her during this period.

Francis and Elsie are secondary school sweethearts. They got married when Francis was 28

and Elsie was 26 years of age. Initially, they enjoyed a very good relationship. Francis adored

Luke and made special efforts to stay in Singapore during his first year. Elsie was very happy.

However, this did not last for long. He once again started to travel often. Elsie started

feeling lonely. She felt that Francis valued money more than his family. Hence, Elsie was

overjoyed when she found out that she was pregnant with Lewis after trying to conceive

again for many years. She felt this would force Francis to spend more time with her family as

was the case with Luke. She only mentioned about her pregnancy to Francis when she was 3

months pregnant. Francis was not very keen to keep the baby. He suggested that she goes for

an abortion as he felt that he may have some challenges raising the new-born due to his

failing business. However, Francis grudgingly agreed to keep the child after Elsie threatened

to kill herself.

Elsie’s parents have both passed on. Francis’ both parents, aged 70 are still around. However,

they do not share a close relationship with him or his family. They feel that Francis’ poor

business outcomes may be a result of his poor decision making. Also, they do not see Elsie

on par with their family either in education or social status. They tend to support his sister,

Frannie more. They only visit their grandchildren occasionally.

Luke is currently studying in a primary school, and he will be sitting for a very important examination at the end of this year.

He used to be close with Elsie till she became pregnant and started exhibiting negative mood swings.

Luke is currently only close to the family’s domestic helper, Marisa and his teacher-in-charge, Ms LIU.

Ms LIU dropped by your family service centre with Elsie last week. They shared their

concerns regarding Luke. Ms LIU is concerned that he appears to be losing interest in his

studies and has not been submitting his homework on time. Elsie feels that he is very rude to

her lately and has been unkind to Lewis. He had also told Marisa that he was worried about

his important exam. Elsie also added that she has been very upset that she has to manage her premature

baby single-handedly as her husband has been unsupportive. He has only been concerned

about the outstanding medical bills and his failing business due to the Covid-19 situation.

You have been assigned as the social worker for this family.

Questions (100 marks)

a) Describe the TAY family members using a detailed genogram. (11 marks).

b) Demonstrate your understanding of the TAY family’s formal and informal systems using

an ecomap. Discuss the relationships between the family and the various systems. (11 marks).

c) Analyse any FOUR (4) concerns of the family that require your attention and follow-up. (32 marks).

d) Comment on any THREE (3) judgmental tendencies that the TAY family is likely to evoke

in you as their social worker. Examine the source of these tendencies. Illustrate how would

you overcome them so as not to negatively impact your work with the family? (36 marks).

e) You will be assessed on grammar, overall organisation and use of citations. (10 marks).



Hello, for the diagrams, it is recommended that you use genopro, as it will make the assignment easier. The software is free to use with full features for two weeks.

For Part B, Demonstrate your understanding of the TAY family’s formal and informal systems using

an ecomap. Discuss the relationships between the family and the various systems.

For this question, the formal systems refers to systems like schools, and informal systems refers to systems like a family friend etc.

For Part C, Analyse any FOUR (4) concerns of the family that require your attention and follow-up.

For this question, the teacher mentioned that the focus is on WHY these four concerns are IMPORTANT; the emphasis is not on social worker INTERVENTIONS. Thank you.

For Part D, Comment on any THREE (3) judgmental tendencies that the TAY family is likely to evoke

in you as their social worker. Examine the source of these tendencies. Illustrate how would

you overcome them so as not to negatively impact your work with the family?

For this question, an example will be:

If I have a male client who is a repeated drug abuser belonging to a family of drug abusers, I am most likely to be biased towards his ability and capacity for reform in order to assume responsibilities towards his new born child and spouse. The judgmental tendencies refer to the SOCIAL WORKER'S bias towards the client. Thanks a lot.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Work on Family Issues
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Professor's Name
TAY Family's Genogram
3840 Francis Elsie
1 month
12 Luke Lewis
Deceased Male
Deceased Female
TAY Family's Ecomap
Social RelationsFriends
Utility ServicesExtended Family
Health servicesFamily Support
Internal Relations
Francis only contribute effectively in providing utility services and health cost to his young child. Other social factors are neglected due to his busy schedule.
Concerns of the Family
In every family and relationship, responsibility is a critical factor that needs to be effectively addressed to ensure that events are fluid. Responsibility mainly lies within the heads of the family in taking care of their children (Boyle, Smith, Farley, Hull & Mather, 2014). Parents have to offer total responsibility in upbringing their children into more responsible citizens. Children who go through effective care and guidance during their early stages become more responsible individuals in society. It is, therefore, the responsibility of both parents to actively participate in guiding their children and providing the maximum attention in taking care of them. In this context, Elsie seems overwhelmed with the responsibility of taking care of their newly born baby. Despite being born with some premature weights, Lewis becomes a stressful aspect to Elsie, who believed that Francis has no intention of taking care of the baby.
Francis is more interested in his already failing business than dedicating some time to his family. Francis's tendency to give little attention to the family members is a factor that has even cut ties between him and his parents, who are no longer interested in him. According to the narrative, Francis is more involved in foreign traveling in organizing and conducting businesses. It is a concern that Francis took almost two weeks before seeing his newborn son Lewis. The incident of restrictions shows that Francis has neglected his responsibility as a father and therefore does not know what it takes to be a father. Despite paying for the hospital bills and other expenses, Francis needs to identify some of the most influential roles that he needs to play as a father. His family needs his attention, and therefore, he needs to dedicate some time to helping the family conduct some activities and take care of the children together.
Guidance and Counseling
Human beings face several challenges in their daily activities as they try to make things happen. Through their process of working out their forms of living, people tend to pass through complex challenges. In that perspective, they find themselves in a position of even giving up on what they do (Boyle, Smith, Farley, Hull & Mather, 2014). Besides, some people even take some harsh conditions that involve loss of properties that they already made or, to some extent, loss of lives. Under conditions where things do not effectively work out, people need advice through guidance and counseling to regain some hope of new things. Guidance and counseling enable the affected individuals to realize that it is not the end of everything whenever there are some complications in their daily activities. However, some basic approaches can still be used to correct the condition. Through guidance and counseling, many people have restored their normal status and recover from depression due to some oppression they have gone through in their lives.
In this context, Francis is going through a financial crisis in his business. Besides, he is faced with consistent failures in his business in which, to some extent, he directs the cause of his loss to the outbreak of the pandemic. However, Francis' business's falling is not related to the current outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic since it is evident that his parents cut close ties within him due to his consistent failings, hence citing that he misuses the resources. Francis seems to be the sole decision-maker since he has no time to discuss with his close friends or family. It is, therefore, necessary to conduct some guidance and counseling to help him understand what it takes to be successful in life. By conducting the guidance and counseling activity, Francis will be able to understand the essence of a family and what it takes to run it successfully effectively. As it is stated, success is a process that starts with a single step and little effort of the individual and the following few groups of people that surround him. Francis needs to understand the importance of his family to borrow a relative idea from them. By uniting with the family, he will be able to provide the attention required and gain some good decisions through consultation.
Good Relation
Relationship between people plays a significant role in uniting people and getting the best from them. How people relate determines one's success and lifestyle. Several families have drowned due to poor relationships (Boyle, Smith, Farley, Hull & Mather, 2014). The poor relationship may include misunderstandings, lack of communication, and failure to perform certain relationships. In some instances, poor relationships have led to the breakup of several families. Besides family relations, businesses mainly thrive well due to a good relationship between the operators and the surroundings, which involve the customers and other business operators in the market. Through poor relationships, one is likely to lose customers, and even the suppliers lead to failures. Customer relations play a vital role in the growth of the business.
Similarly, Francis's family has to learn about the excellent relationship between the family members and their community. Elsie, in her case, lost the tie between her and Luke mainly because of mood swings. She realized that surviving without someone close to her was a big challenge. The relationship between her and her husband Francis was not good since he was mainly interested in the business and merely give attention to her. Elsie finds the relation that she enjoyed on campus more boring and intimidating (Boyle, Smith, Farley, Hull & Mather, 2014). She needed someone to help take care of the children and comfort her in her worst moments. The situation illustrates the poor relation that has been developed by Francis' much interest in business activities. Besides, Francis's family also experience a poor relationship with his parents. The parents are not interested in Francis's activities since he barely gives them attention. Francis value the business most to the extent of forgetting his family members. Francis and his parents' poor relationship leads to his failures since there is no support he can receive from his parents. Therefore, for the family to become strong again, there must be an installation of good relationship practices to boost understanding among the family members.
Through unity, several aspects of the world have been constructed, and unique moves completed. Whenever forces are combined, people build a strong bond that enables them to succeed in their plans and activities. Francis' family needs to understand the importance of unity and how they can capitalize on unity to build their children's future and their business activities. It is evident that the family lacks a strong unity, and the individuals work on their own. As the head of the family, Francis has failed to ensure unity since he is much of the country seeking on how his business can progress. Elsie, on the other hand, has no intere...
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