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Analyzing Reasoning on Both Sides

Essay Instructions:


Introduce readers to your topic; include a brief preview of what you will accomplish in this paper. (approximately 150 words)

First Argument

Present the best argument on one side of the issue. (approximately 150 words)

Express your argument in standard form, with the premises listed one by one above the conclusion.

Defense for First Argument

Support the first argument as well as you can, using academic sources to demonstrate the truth of key premises. You may also choose to clarify the meaning of key premises and to explain how your reasoning supports the conclusion (approximately 250 words).

Opposing Argument

Present the best argument on the other side of the issue (approximately 150 words).

Express your argument in standard form.

Defense of Opposing Argument

Support the opposing argument as well as you can, using academic sources to demonstrate the truth of key premises. You are welcome as well to clarify the meaning of premises and/or to explain the reasoning further (approximately 250 words).

Analysis of the Reasoning (approximately 350 words)

Evaluate the quality of each argument, addressing whether key premises are true and whether the conclusion logically follows from them.

Analyze arguments for any fallacies committed or for any biases that may influence either side. Do you feel that one argument makes a much stronger case than the other and why? (There is no need to “take sides,” only to assess the quality of the arguments.)

Support your analysis with scholarly sources.

Conclusion (approximately 150 words)

Provide a brief conclusion and summary of your issue and how it can best be addressed by critical thinkers.

Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text. The Help! Need Article (Links to an external site.)tutorial can also assist with searching for

The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view the University of Arizona Global Campus Library Quick ‘n’ Dirty (Links to an external site.) tutorial, which introduces the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.

Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) guide.

Must include a separate references pages that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Writing Center for specifications.

Please make sure the arguments are in standard form.

Thank you

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analyzing Reasoning on Both Sides
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Analyzing Reasoning on Both Sides
My topic is about the effects of social media on platforms. Given the current technological advancements, people cannot ignore the fact that social media can have both negative and positive impacts on relationships. These impacts mostly depend on an individual’s perspectives about the use of the various social media platforms. Such is an indication that the reasonings presented by various scholars regarding the subject might be true or not. The knowledge that people deduct from such reasonings depends on their views about the subject and the conclusions made from the various premises. This paper will focus on analyzing two sides of reason regarding the topic. The first section will analyze the premises which claim that social media has positive impacts on relationships. The second section will analyze the premises that support the negative impacts of social media use on relationships. The third section will evaluate the quality of each argument, the truth behind the premises, and whether the conclusions are derived from the premises.
First Argument
The first argument about the positive impact of social media on relationships is that it facilitates communication. Through such communication, the involved parties come with different strategies for strengthening their relationship.
1 Social media platforms eliminate the concept of a long-distance because people can virtually interact with one another whenever they feel like. Such makes people feel connected to one another, thus strengthening their relationship.
2 Social media is a great platform for nurturing an individual’s behavior by watching what other people do or reading what they express on these platforms. Such behavior is then used to grow a healthy relationship between the involved parties.
3 Social media strengthens relationships by acting as an effective communication channel. When people often communicate and for the right purpose, their relation will remain strong.
4 Communication has enhanced the concept of social capital bonding where people with different ideologies can share their ideas to create something that benefits both.
These premises support the idea that social media has a positive impact on relationships because it facilitates communication. Communication is one of the key aspects that enable people to strengthen their relationships. Without communication, it would be difficult to keep track of other people, and this would destroy relationships.
A lot of scholars have put across a lot of information to support the idea that social media has a positive impact on relationships because it facilitates communication. The main impact of such communication is eliminating the concept of distance between people because they can use social media platforms to communicate (Christensen, 2018). Such communication helps to connect family members living in different parts of the world. Communication through phone calls has not always been an effective way of reaching out to loved ones living far away from each other. This is because of the calling rates for such calls in different parts of the world. However, social media platforms present the perfect medium for doing such communication. All that people need is a social media account and a working network connection. The social media platforms are constantly upgraded to ensure the user has the best experience communicating with their loved ones. Communication is the key aspect in strengthening any kind of communication. Whenever people fail to connect for long, they might not maintain a strong bond in their relationships. Social media is beneficial in relationships because it provides an effective and affordable way of communicating with one another. Through the information that people get on social media platforms, they can learn a positive behavior which, would, in turn, strengthen their relationships with other people. People keep on posting different information on such platforms, making them a source of information regarding how individuals relate with one another. Communication through social media platforms also strengthens relationships by enhancing social capital bonding. Social capital bonding is a concept where people with different ideas reason together to come up with the idea that would benefit both (Christensen, 2018). Such is a great way of strengthening relationships during the brainstorming process. Therefore, social media platforms have a positive impact on families since they facilitate communication, which eliminates the concept of long-distance and encourages social capital bonding to nurture people’s behaviors.
Opposing Argument
The best argument about the negative impacts of social media is the concept of addiction. The prolonged use of social media platforms can be addictive, especially if an individual has a lot of free time to spend on these platforms. There are many ways through which such addiction to social media can ruin relationships.
1 The addiction resulting from social media use reduces the amount of time that a person spends with their loved ones. In ...
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