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Act Utilitarianism and Virtue Ethics Analysis Essay
Essay Instructions:
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of act-utilitarianism and virtue ethics. Which do you think is the better theory? How would you combine the two approaches to fashion a better theory?
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Act Utilitarianism and Virtue Ethics
Human beings are inherently moral creatures. They have a need to base their judgments on things which they rule as proper. Act Utilitarianism is a moral guide that put the focus of action on what is happening in the present. It can provide a framework of action to create a better society. Act utilitarianism highlight the importance of creating the greatest good, or net utility, in every performed action. In this principle, one must do or choose the path which will reap the best overall results. It states that this should be done on a case to case basis, as situations will have their unique set up and design, and it is up to the actor to think and choose the best possible option.
The concept of act utilitarianism relies on the societal consistency. There is an expectation from the members that what they are doing is for the greater good of many. Human beings have a tendency to doubt and change their mind. In this sense, there is an instability to order, especially when the leaders have a tendency to act selfishly when challenged by a situation. No matter what a person’s background is, he or she is susceptible to abuse power.
Society in this sense follows the imposed rules of authority so that they can gain a sense of security. Members of the community will choose to be ruled by charismatic leaders because they can acquire comfort and salvation. From this, they get an assurance about the unpredictabil...
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