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4 pages/≈1100 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Social Work Major Class

Essay Instructions:

This is an assignment for a social work class, please make sure you are familiar with social work.

you will be writing a 3 page essay with a diagram. total 4 page

detailed instructions and syllabus are in files.

( try not mention anything about race, if you mention, I'm Asian, an international student from China, and when you indentify behavior, identify only one behavior)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

It is usual for people to worry at times or be anxious. Even though this feeling of anxiety may be high, leading to a strong desire to make something happen, the above trait that we sometimes emit affects how we perform specific duties allocated to us and may lead an individual to be less effective while performing specific tasks activities. In extreme cases, one may fail to perform to their abilities. The paper seeks to address this behavior of anxiety that is perceived as an undesirable trait that I need to change. The paper will discuss a cognitive conceptualization and treatment plan that will address anxiety.
It is suitable to note that anxiety disorder is linked to several incidences of heart diseases and even high blood pressure. Due to anxiety, one experiences accelerated heart rate. In some cases, the beating of the heart tends to be violent. Individuals who suffer from heart diseases are thus more likely to suffer a more significant risk of coronary-related illnesses due to anxiety disorder, hence the need to address this issue before it gets out of hand, leading to severe damage to an individual.
Cognitive conceptualization
I experience cases of anxiety attacks when faced with an important activity that I am to undertake. Before attending a crucial interview for my promotion at the workplace, I was extremely restless and found myself to be worrying very much. I was concerned about the interview outcome, not sure whether I was the right candidate for the job. Even though I had taken two days off from work before the interview, I was fatigued the whole day before the interview. The situation becomes worse when I had to retire to bed at night since I experienced insomnia and could not sleep the entire night. My concentration levels were insufficient even though I am keen on details when doing my daily activities. I was afraid not to make it and spent the whole night thinking over how I would react should I not make it.
The emotion-related to my anxiety was fear. Due to all the time I spent thinking about the interview's outcome, fear took a better part of me since I could not come to terms with not passing the interview. I found myself re-evaluating my previous performance at the workplace. My mind wandered on how I relate with my colleagues and my supervisors. I wondered who among my supervisors could be in the interviewing panel. I was emotionally and psychologically worn out, wondering whether I would satisfy the panel by answering questions asked to their gratification.
During this time, I comforted myself that my work performance will advantage me over other applicants. I had performed exceptionally well at the institution. Though I was apprehensive about not making it, the fact that I had been working for the institution for several five years boosted my ego. My automatic thought of working in the institution for that long and the excellent performance psyched me up. Even though this did not f ease me up. I was still on edge and preferred the much-awaited day to end to go on with my everyday life.
I grew up been ridiculed and moked by my friends. Due to this I always believed not to be good enough and my self esteem was low. I did little to prove them wrong and would just rub it off and accept their assumptions. Doing so enabled me to avoid conflicts and maintain the friendship. I however would find myself trying to work hard to prove them wrong. I have therefore managed to rise slowly up the ladder proffesionally as a...
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