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Social Welfare and Federal Government

Essay Instructions:
The authors of the text clearly discuss the roots of America's welfare system which can be traced to Elizabethan times, but the United States has developed its own unique brand of social welfare. In the past, the responsibility for social welfare shifted from the community to private and local governments. Later, this responsibility filtered up to the states and then to the federal government, largely in the form of the Social Security Act of 1935 in response to the Great Depression. In addition, President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal of the 1930's and President's Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society programs of the 1960s have been the nation's major responses to the needs of those who are poor. Since President Roosevelt's New Deal response to the Great Depression, presidents have continued to address the needs of those who live in poverty. In this activity, you will focus on three presidential responses (Regan, Bush Sr., and Obama) to β€œthe poor.” Please respond to the following: Describe the ways in which social welfare responsibilities shifted from the federal government to the states during the Reagan and Bush Sr. years (1981-1993). What role does the federal government play in the current administration's response to poverty? References: DiNitto, D. & Johnson, D. (2012). Essentials of social welfare: Politics and public policy. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. -What Welfare Reform Did For Me https://www(dot)washingtonpost(dot)com/news/wonk/wp/2015/09/11/what-its-like-to-live-on-2-a-day-in-the-united-states/?postshare=5391446662813969 Bailout Recipients http://projects(dot)propublica(dot)org/bailout/list/index
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Social Welfare and the Federal Government Name Institution of affiliation Date Social Welfare and the Federal Government Provision of welfare has evolved over the years to reflect the changing social dynamics. Social welfare originally was provided by communities. Each individual in the community working to ensure that other persons in the community had a minimum level of welfare. Due to trends in urbanization and industrialization, community-based welfare became untenable. Provision of social welfare shifted to local governments. This responsibility would be later taken on by the states and Federal government in the US. Social welfare is critical in ensuring that the citizenry of a nation have a basic level of social support CITATION Dia12 \l 1033 (DiNitto & Johnson, 2012). It has been indicated to be the true mark of a civilized nation, its ability to take care of its poor and needy citizens CITATION Chi15 \l 1033 (Harlan, 2015). The paper, therefore, delves into the issue of social welfare. It will attempt to gain an understanding of the social welfare policies of Presidents Reagan, Bush Sr., and Obama; and how the policies have evolved and the role played by the Federal Government. Reagan President Reagan's thinking on social welfare was largely informed by the New Deal struck under Roosevelt. The deal had been in response to the great depression. It was in part aimed at providing relief for the poor. In doing so, the deal rolled out massive social welfare programs. At the time of their roll out, the programs were essential to keeping poor citizens away from destitution. However, by the time Reagan was being sworn into office they represented government waste. The programs had encouraged dependency on government, wanton spending by government, anathema to work by a section of the population. The programs could not easily be scaled back due to the politics surrounding the emotive issue. Reagan was able to institute reforms in the social welfare policy of the US in part due to his major win in the US elections. He, therefore, believed he had the mandate to reform government from the people. Reagan instituted policy changes in social welfare programs reversing the trend of the federal government bearing the cost. Instead, social welfare cost would be borne through a public-private partnership. Local governments in conjunction with the private enterprises e.g. Insurance companies would provide e.g. healthcare. Bush Sr. President Bush policies on Social Welfare were to an ...
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