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Social Problem Policies

Essay Instructions:
Project 1 Summary Correction: Project 1 is the first of three projects you will complete in the first part of the Course (Social Policy). *There are four projects in this course (3 for Policy and 1 for ethics). For the first activity, you will be required to provide a general overview of your selected Social Problem from the topic selection list below and its importance from a social policy perspective. For the remainder of this course, you will use the same policy/topic to complete the following: M3A1 Project 2: Social Policy History Timeline -Provide a history including a timeline of the significant policies that address your selected social problem.. M4A2 Project 3: Social Policy Analysis Paper Select and conduct research on a topic from the following list: Social Problems: Sexism Unequal access to health care Mental illness Domestic Violence Discrimination against persons with disabilities **NOTE** I would like to direct my paper more on social policies in the mental health industry directly involving veterans with TBI. If you would like more references on this topic please let me know. I can give you access to the library for research I have found and whatever you may be able to find. *** https://my(dot)excelsior(dot)edu/group/library/home Your essay must include a brief discussion of a policy that addresses the social problem you have selected. Provide a general overview providing definitions when necessary. Include national, state, and local statistics where appropriate. Your conclusion should incorporate a summary of what you discussed, expressing your professional and/or personal reflection and how it relates to social welfare policies and future implications. Your essay should be between 3 to 5 pages. Include a title page, use 12-point font and be double spaced. Title and reference pages will not be considered as part of the page count for this activity. Be sure to use APA style format when citing any sources to support your claims. Use at least 3 references from within the past 6 years from journals or approved websites such as those of the US government, research organizations, universities, etc. Wikipedia, CliffsNotes and other study guide sites are not considered a valid source for references. -DiNitto's Essentials of Social Welfare: Politics and Public Policy - Chapter 3 https://mbsdirect(dot)vitalsource(dot)com/#/books/9780205976348/cfi/6/22!/4/2/10/4/6/6@0:26.8
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Traumatic Brain Injuries in Veterans Name Institution of Affiliation Date Traumatic Brain Injuries in Veterans Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are severe public health problems with possibly devastating effects and far-reaching consequences (Tbiac, 2014). These harms occur following a jolt or blow to the head or a piercing head injury that upsets the normal functioning of the brain. TBIs can cause death or an enduring disability that can considerably affect victims, their families, their societies and the state (New York State, 2012). TBI is highly predictable and preventable, but most of the energies and resources to the disorder go into treatment and rehabilitation, not prevention. It affects individuals of all ages and is the leading cause of long-term disability among youngsters and young adults. Matched with other conditions, the frequency of TBIs happening in the U.S. is approximately eight times greater than the number of breast cancer diagnoses and thirty-four times the number of new cases of HIV/AIDS (Nacho, 2013). TBI, also branded as the silent epidemic, has lately received greater attention as it has become the signature wound of the Iraq conflict. It is projected that 60 percent of combatants recently injured in Operation Iraqi Freedom have sustained blast injuries and doctors approximate that 60% to 80% of the blast-injured soldiers acquired TBI. Because it may not be diagnosed immediately, the Department of Defense has screened American troops both before and after they are deployed to a battle to determine better whether they sustained brain injury in warfare (Bagalman, 2015). Causes The Brain Injury Association of America outlines TBI as an alteration in brain functioning, or other evidence of brain pathology, triggered by an external force (Tbiac, 2014). TBI results mostly from assaults, motor vehicle/traffic accidents, falls and other instances in which the head is hit by or strikes an object. In military service members, TBI may result from those kinds of happenings or bullets, improvised explosive devices, grenades, mortars, or mines. Symptoms Individuals with TBI may experience a range of difficulties, including variations in physical functioning, communication, sensory processing cognition, and behavior (Bagalman, 2015). In the days or weeks following a TBI, roughly 40% of patients develop an array of indicators jointly called post-concussion syndrome. They include vertigo, headaches, irritability, dizziness, memory problems, apathy, and concentration problems, sleeping problems, anxiety, restlessness and depression. For some, post-concussion syndrome and other complications associated with TBI may resolve over time. While for others, the difficulties may persevere for a lifetime. Symptoms and signs depend on the part on the severity of the TBI, which part of the brain was wounded, the person's age and self-fitness, for instance, whether there has been prior harm, and other factors. Treatment How TBI is cured varies with the severity of the wound, along with other factors. Most cases of mild TBI heal without medical attention; instruction about mild TBI care can effectively return to normal symptoms and provide the expectation of rapid recovery. Severe or moderate TBI requires medical attention; treatment may comprise psychotherapy, medication, surgery, rehabilitation, case management and other services (New York State, 2012). In the case of severe TBI, which regularly co-occurs with other serious wounds, victims often experience long-term physical or mental disabilities that require ongoing nursing care ...
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