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How Political Ideology, Socialization, and Political Parties Impact Ordinary Citizen

Essay Instructions:

Identify and discuss your political ideology and political socialization and how it shapes your political participation and which political party and policies you support. You must define key terms such as political ideology, political socialization, and political parties using the course textbook.  Be specific and provide as many details as possible.  Lastly, make sure to proofread your paper.


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American Government
Institution of affiliation
American Government
Politics concerns itself with the governance and administration of states and nations. It is thus, an area of intense interest for both citizens and political players alike. The keen citizen, however, notes the impact that politics has on his or her life and takes measures to understand it. An understanding of politics, its methods, theories, and ideologies is essential for the 21st-century citizen (Grigsby, 2008). The paper, therefore, will concern itself with a dissection of politics. It will pay keen attention to political ideology, socialization, and political parties and how these impact the ordinary citizen.
Definition of terms
Political Ideology - This refers to a set of ideals held by large groups of people who may form a social movement, social class, nation, state, kingdom that offers the people a blueprint in elements of culture and politics and governs their interaction CITATION Gri08 \l 1033 (Grigsby, 2008).
Political Socialization - It refers to the process through which individuals acquire political knowledge, skills, attitudes or behavior in the human development cycle CITATION Vir04 \l 1033 (Sapiro, 2004).
Political parties - These are organizations or political institutions of individuals who have similar interests in politics relating to the governance and administration of a state, nation or territory. It seeks to obtain influence or power by controlling public perception and thus enabling it to influence public policy CITATION Gri08 \l 1033 (Grigsby, 2008).
Personal Political Ideology and Socialization
My political ideology is liberal conservatism. Conservatism is founded on the belief that social and political institutions should be retained as they are without regard to the current political environment. Liberal conservatism, on the other hand, espouses modernity and aims to combine elements of classical conservatism and liberalism. Liberal conservatism would for example support the authority of the United States government in protecting its citizens. However, it would also expect that the government respects the rights of the individual e.g. Priv...
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