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HLS 625 Module 3 Homeland Security

Essay Instructions:

Fully explain two 2 of eight tasks associated with the contingency planning process, providing specific examples.

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Contingency Planning
Institution of Affiliation
Contingency Planning
Conducting the Business Impact Analysis (BIA) is a very crucial task in the contingency planning. The BIA is essential due to that it identifies ideas and helps one as a planner prioritize certain information systems and components critical for supporting the attainment of the business mission or functions. The planning director, therefore, is provided with a template containing information of the BIA analysis done to help in managing the progress of the organization towards the intended purpose of the business. The BIA involves studying of the relevant successful businesses in the same line of investment on how they have planned their success and what objectives they intend to achieve and how they shall achieve them. The organization acquires new ideas which can be implemented in the same field where one is investing. The BIA serves as a highlight of what the business future should be like as observed from the other businesses which have been successful (Margiottiello & Chao, 2003). The BIA should be conducted by a professional to enable qualified data sourcing for the organizations. The expected impacts as observed from the BIA will also determine whether to undertake the same planning procedure undertaken by the organization or formulate new contingency planning. The organization's goals and objectives also determine whether to undertake the same contingency planning used by other organization or design a different one (Andrushko, 2015). The competitive aspect of the organization is also a consideration to make. The information obtained from the BIA also serves as a guideline towards corrective measure if an organization had an already existing planning system. For example, the main objective for a catering business is providing health foods. The business should conduct a BIA to identify whether its objectives are being attained.
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