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Sulphate Aerosols, Geoengineering, and the Global Warming

Essay Instructions:

Please note: No quotations are permitted in this exercise. Use your own words, and provide IN TEXT CITATIONS for ANY idea NOT your own! You may paraphrase, if you properly cite your sources. Remember, directly using 7 or more words in sequence without quotation marks constitutes plagiarism. You must refer specifically to the reading (demonstrating that you have read it), citing page numbers. Do not use outside (e.g. internet sources) and please work independently -- do not consult with other students.

Succinctly answer the following in 500 words or less:

a) How does Malm explain the geoengineering "fix" involving sulphate aerosols (386-388).

b) What does Malm see as deeply problematic about this override?

c) Why do you think financial players of the world are eager support dangerous geoengineering fixes like sulphate aerosols, but refuse to invest in green tech? Please refer only to this week's readings.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Science
Anatomy of Whales
Sulphate aerosols have been of importance to climate researchers for quite some time now. The role of aerosols in the environment has come to be understood lately. In his book ‘Progress of this storm’ Andreas Malm explains how geoengineering helps the world solve global warming. He further goes ahead to say that humans contribute either positively or negatively to global warming. Sulphate aerosols contribute to increasing the rate of global warming on earth. Aerosols are sold commercially by companies without the concern of how the products affect the environment. Aerosols contain components such as chlorine and sulphates. Sulphate and chlorine atoms react with the ozone molecules in the stratosphere, causing the ozone molecules to break down tens of thousands, causing holes in the ozone layer. Andreas Malm addresses the ‘aerosol’ menace as a social problem that will require a social geoengineering approach (Malm, n.d.).
The human social process has had a significant impact on the climate. This has come along with the industrial evolution of man. These processes have led to an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The influence of humanity has transformed the cycles within the planet, but the content of carbon remains. Therefore, concluding that the relations of production to global warming are material and social but not natural (Malm, n.d.).
Andreas Malm acknowledges the challenges that this geoengineering solution would face. He sees it as very problematic because of the effect that it would have o...
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