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Job Analysis, Assessment, and Accommodation Technology Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Assignment #2 (Final)

(2500 words) (40%)

Length expectation: 2,500 words not including title page, appendices, and references (APA format) with 25% leeway over or under (1875-3125 words). Submitted assignments outside this range may be docked marks depending on the discretion of the professor.

For this assignment, you are to select an occupation and prepare a job analysis report. Your report must include the following for the occupation you have selected (paragraph format and no point form):

Qualifications, job duties

Work schedule/workflow, machines

Tools, equipment used

Materials and products handled,

Job hazards

Use of personal protective equipment (if applicable).

Return to work plan (assume the worker is injured and returning to work)

The physical and mental demands of the occupation are to be outlined in tables with specific descriptions provided (paragraph format and no point form). For example, if the profession of an electrician is selected, a description of all the job demands of the job must be identified and described.


Develop a job analysis report

Categorize physical and mental health demands of an occupation

Apply physical and mental health assessment tools and techniques in the preparation of the job analysis report (e.g., FCE or cognitive assessment)

Consider using a JDA template from the course

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Job Analysis, Assessment, and Accommodation Technology
Student’s Name
Job Analysis, Assessment, And Accommodation Technology
Construction workers are employed in manual labor in a physical construction site of the building environment and infrastructure. Most of the individuals in a construction firm carry out a wide range of tasks to assist the tradesperson on the site. They can clean the construction site regularly using different tools, sweep out some areas, and put the supplies in order. In their work, construction workers face imminent risks that can have severe consequences if they occur. There are risks such as working at a height, moving objects, noise, material, and manual handling and collapse trenches. Safety measures are always adopted at these sites to ensure the workers are safe from these risks, and they engage in activities that guarantee their wellbeing while in the worksite. In case of any disaster or accidents, the workers have to take leave of duty depending on the nature of their injuries and the degree of trauma from the incident. The workers have to pass through assessments to ensure they can get back to work and operate efficiently to accomplish their allocated tasks at the site. An overview of the construction work helps explore the return-to-work plan that needs to be followed to ensure the employee is fit to engage in the manual work after an injury. 
Qualifications, job duties
Construction workers engage in different tasks, including preparing sites, materials, tools, loading and unloading materials, tools, and equipment. The individuals remove debris, garbage, and dangerous materials from sites. They assemble and break down barricades, temporary structures, and scaffolding. Construction workers assist the contractors on-site such as electricians and engineers, as required, and help with the transport and operation of heavy machinery and equipment. The workers regulate the traffic and put-up traffic signs, dig holes, tunnels and shafts. 
Although there are no formal requirements for construction workers, a high-school diploma may be needed. A similar work experience can also be an added advantage for the qualification. A licensure to work with dangerous materials is a requirement, and the employee has to be willing to take training if necessary. Construction workers must be mild-tempered and team players, healthy, strong, and fit for the roles. 
Work schedule/workflow, machines
The construction industry experiences a slower growth rate than in the past. As a result, there is a shortage of skilled workers as more companies struggle to find qualified employees to fill the ranks. The current employees take longer hours to accomplish their allocated tasks. While the workers put in increased hours per person, the productivity continues to wane and has declined by half over the past decades. The longer hours the construction employees work is because they have to, following the tight deadlines and limited workforce. 
The workers use different machines in their occupation, including excavators, backhoe, dragline excavators, and graders. The use of these machines requires adequate knowledge as these can easily cause harm to the operator or other workers on site. There are safety measures around a construction site meant to prevent the employees from getting injuries resulting from these machines' use. 
Tools and equipment
Many people think of manual tools when talking about the tools and equipment used by construction workers. Traditionally, construction workers majorly dependent on manual tools, including hand tools, power tools, and machine tools. The hand tools are gadgets such as hammers, screwdrivers, and crimpers. Power tools include electric-powered tools, compressed air, and hydraulic powers power tools, among others. Today, technology has brought new tools and innovative devices to the sites. The innovative measuring devices help make the work safer and efficient on different projects. The modern construction lasers, digital lasers, and other measuring devices make the construction work more accurate. Today, the construction tools take various shapes and sizes, from the tape measures to the cordless nailing machines and laser levels. 
Materials and products handled
The materials and products at a construction site are hazardous, and some of them can cause severe damages when mishandled. There are metals used in the sites used for wall covering, among other uses. Glass is another material used in the construction site prevalent in the common buildings. Ceramics is also a product used in the construction site for the floors, fixtures, and ceilings. Concrete is used for the building of commercial and industrial structures. It is trendy because of the strength and longevity nature. Wood is also used at the site for various purposes, including roofing and supporting features during the projects. Rocks are also important materials used in construction sites for different purposes. The handling of these products and materials requires knowledge of their hazardous nature for ade3quate safety measures to be adopted. 
Job hazards
The work at construction sites includes using large machinery, working at a height, hazardous environments, and other dangers. Construction was recently identified as an industry with fatal injuries to the workers. The hazards in this environment depend on the type of construction being undertaken. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) identified that over a quarter of the worker's fatalities fell from a height. The employees need suitable training to help them operate in such environments (Hinze, Thurman & Wehle, 2013). There are various moving objects within a construction site, including overhead lifting equipment, supply vehicles, and diggers, which locomote the uneven terrain. The reduction of the risks at a construction site needs to be the main priority. The risks of slip, trips, and falls are evident in these sites. The uneven terrain, buildings at different stages of completion, and unused materials on-site make the environment prone to slips and trips. The HSE reports that many workers get injured following these risks. Material and manual handling also pose risks in the environment. These are constantly being lifted and moved around the construction sites. Such events call for adequate training to help the workers know how to handle these materials efficiently. 
Protective Equipment 
The required personal protective equipment has to be worn whenever at a construction site. The workers are required to wear a hard hat and safety glasses. High visibility safety vests with reflective strips also need to be worn when the employees are exposed to vehicular traffic. High visibility shirts need to be worn at all times when there is no vehicular traffic. All the workers need to wear shirts with sleeves, long work pants, and sturdy work shoes or boots when working on a construction site or renovation site as required by the Job Accommodation Network (2013). Depending on the circumstances and possible hazards present, there may be a need for extra PPEs. The environmental health and safety (EHS) recommend protective gloves, hearing protection, full-face shields, chemical splash goggles,...
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