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Is Social Media Cosmopolitan? Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

In today’s globalized world, people are connected more than ever – particularly by various forms of social media. However, is it the case that social media helps us be more “cosmopolitan” – in the sense that Appiah discusses? Appiah seems to argue that being in the same physical environment is essential for creating friendly, peaceful coexistence and friendship between people of different cultures that represents his idea of “partial cosmopolitanism” (a synthesis of the local and the global, such as his example of Kingsway Street in Kumasi). Social media seems to deny that possibility. Likewise, Konnikova is concerned that social media, particularly Facebook, limits the direct, physical contact with others that is important for maintaining friendships. Moreover, some have suggested that social media does not make people more “open-minded,” but purposely limits what they experience of other cultures. What do you think?

For your first essay, use quotations from Appiah’s and Konnikova’s essays to write an original argument answering this question:

Do you think social media promotes cosmopolitanism? Why or why not? Explain your answer

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Is Social Media Cosmopolitan?
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Is Social Media Cosmopolitan?
In the current globalized world, individuals have become increasingly connected especially through various social networking sites, including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. However, the increasing usage of the social media has deprived people of an opportunity for physical contact, a critical component for upholding friendships. Humans experience is largely shaped by the world in which we are natured. As people’s worldview expands, so is the size of their brains. According to Konnikova (2014), primates often have large brains than other animals because of the socially complex societies in which they live in. In other words, the human brain increases with increase in the group size. Consistent with this argument, Appiah (2006) suggests that today’s humans have more experience than their predecessors who lived in prehistoric times because of interacting with a relatively large group of people. Accordingly, it is expected that the advent of the various social media platforms would increase people’s experience of the world. However, critics of the social media have expressed concerns that that the social media cannot help humans to me more cosmopolitan. In light of this, the current essay draws on the relevant literature to advance the argument that the social media cannot help us to be more cosmopolitan due to various limitations inherent in such media compared to the conventional face-to-face interactions.
Before delving into the question whether the social median enhances cosmopolitanism or not, it is important to define the term cosmopolitanism itself. Cosmopolitanism is not a new phenomenon, but rather dates back to the 4th century BC (Appiah, 2006). The term is quite different from other terms like globalization and multiculturalism. Initially referring to the “citizen of the cosmos,” the concept of cosmopolitanism has been elaborated to echo “oneness of humanity” (Appiah, 2006, p. xiv). As such, cosmopolitanism is construed as the global citizens constituting a single family within the universe, in which each rational citizen is concerned of his or her own well-being while promoting global togetherness under the so-called general laws of nature. Cosmopolitanism is based on two important tenets: our obligations to other people that transcend our families and relatives to include people from other cultures; and taking interests in beliefs and practices that lend particular human lives significance. Social media does make us more cosmopolitan considering the number of causes that are advanced online. For instance, people struggling with poverty can find help from people living in different countries.
Partial cosmopolitanism is a situation whereby we embrace the global values, beliefs, and practices while still being closer to our own set of values, practices and believes. Appiah (2006) illustrates this kind of cosmopolitanism that existed in his Kingsway Street in Kumasi where there was friendship and peaceful coexistence of individuals originating from diverse cultural backgrounds. To some extent, the social media, including Twitter and Facebook has enhanced connections and interactions among people from different cultures. With the use of the social media, people can share experiences and gain insight into cultures other than their own. Konnikova (2014) asserts that the “social media has facilitated more effective collaborations.” Additionally, the social media, especially Facebook also allows people to interact through posting important messages on their timelines, sharing posts, commenting on others’ posts, and giving their reactions regarding other people’s images and posts.
However, unlike the conventional face-to-face interactions, the social media-mediated interactions cannot effectively facilitate humans to become more cosmopolitan. One of the reasons as to why the social media cannot foster cosmopolitanism relat...
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