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M4A1: From Non-Listening to Listening Activity

Essay Instructions:

M4A1: From Non-Listening to Listening Activity

Begin by reviewing the six types of nonlistening discussed in Chapter 6. Then, identify those that are common in your everyday communication. Be sure to explain in detail how your nonlistening affects your interactions and relationships with those in your life. Next, select one of your nonlistening practices and work to reduce its occurrence over the course of at least three days. After the three days are up, reflect on the steps you took during this time to try to improve your listening skills. In your essay, address the following questions:

What hurdles, successes, challenges, and self-realizations did you encounter?

How does this experiment highlight concepts and vocabulary from Module 4? Make sure to use citations when referencing these concepts.

Please write a well-organized, APA-formatted essay of 1000 words or more on the subject.

Reference one,

Wood, Julia. Interpersonal Communication Everyday Encounters 8th Edition. Belmont: Thompson Learning, 2016. ISBN #: 978-1-285-44583-0

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Class Activity: From Non-Listening to Listening
Institutional Affiliation
Class Activity: From Non-Listening To Listening
Communication involves the exchange of information between two or more people. The purpose of communication is often to pass information or receive feedback on an issue or a problem. Listening forms a crucial part of any communication process, but people hardly listen to speakers. Wood (2016) defines listening as a process of receiving, constructing meaning from the message, and providing feedback to the speaker.
In most cases, people adopt non-listening strategies when conversing with others. Non-listenings are strategies that are used deliberately or unknowingly by listeners in the conversation. Non-listeners use different types of non-listening strategies. After reviewing the types of non-listenings in chapter six of Wood’s book, I decided to focus on the three of these non-listenings that have affected me. My focus was on defensive listening, pseudo listening, and monopolizing type of non-listening. The purpose of this paper is to discuss hurdles, challenges, and successes I went through in the process of reducing these non-listenings.
One of the three non-listenings that I wanted to overcome is pseudo listening. Wood (2016) defines pseudo listening as a defensive mechanism of listening where the listener pretends to be listening to the speaker. I often use this strategy because I do not want to show people that their conversation is boring. In most cases, I try to node along and or asking questions, and sometimes I end up asking questions that are out of context and end up hurting the people that are in need of my attention. I decided to overcome pseudo listening by being mindful of speakers and paying close attention to every detail they said. I also decided that I will always maintain eye contact with speakers and node only when I have understood the message. In a case where the message is misunderstood, I decided that I would ask the speaker to clarify the message. Some of the huddles I went through were beyond my control.
In some cases, speakers were inaudible, and I struggled to get their message. I was also distracted by noise and ended up losing interest in the conversation. At times, I found it difficult listening to some people because their topic was boring. An example is when a friend came to me to explain that humans can use only ten percent of their brain.
Defensive listening is another non-listening that has ruined my relationship with many people. Defensive listening is where a person listens to disagree with the speaker (Wood, 2016). I have often found it difficult to listen to some people because I interpret their message or have developed an opinion towards them even before they can speak. They often confuse people comments for personal attacks. During one of the time I was carrying out this activity, I was walking down the lane with my friends looking out the window when a colleague said: "People with long hair irritate me…” I was about to respond, but then I realized that I had trimmed my hair a week ago. I realized that I have to develop self-confidence and a sense of security (Hartley, 1993). I am not a victim of attacks. The primary challenge I faced while overcom...
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