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Motivation For Wanting To Become A Counselor

Essay Instructions:

Describe what you think it takes to be an effective counselor, which of these attributes you possess, and which ones you think you may need to acquire as a student. What role will your values play in the counseling process? How will your cultural background, cultural values, and life experiences impact you in counseling clients who are culturally different from you?(I'M a Black,woman very outgoing person who treats everyone fairly and loves working with children) Also, describe what area of counseling(CASE WORKER FOSTER CARE)I'll be interested in,(Alittle bit about me. I would love to work with Foster kids or poor and homless kids putting a smile on their faces and finding them the best families for their needs) and any other ways in which you think you could contribute to the counseling profession. Please be sure to include ethical considerations for working in a helping profession. This paper requires APA format (6th edition), a title page with running head, reference page, at least two scholarly resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The motivation for wanting to become a Counselor
Every profession comes with its own set of distinct aspects that not only specify the unique skills needed for it, but also personality and general qualities. It might not necessarily mean that one has to have a combination of all of them, but at least possess more than a half. This is simply aimed at ensuring that one carries out the duties of the profession out of a combination of competence and passion for it in order to deliver effectively on it. When it comes to counseling, the same is also the case.
The counseling profession calls for individuals who are selfless and willing to serve the community without necessarily having to be paid. It is more of a calling, which therefore means the people involved need to have a passion for it above everything else. The training that they receive enables them to help others to get out of their challenges in life. The need to have counselors has intensified over the last four decades. This is because the world has changed a lot, and the pressures of life are at an all-time high.
The professional help that they need can only come from a professional counselor. For that reason, a good number of people are taking a course in counseling with the aim of assisting the mentally challenged in the society. It is essential to help people who are mentally challenged because it spares them the agony of having mental disorders for lengthy periods. From a personal point of view, it takes quite a lot for one to be a good and effective counselor, and a lot is also involved in the counseling process. Perhaps my background plays a key role in ensuring that there is indeed a set of skills I possess, which can come in handy in the entire process of counseling.
The Qualities of Good Counselor
One outstanding quality of an effective counselor is good communication skills. A good counselor must have excellent speaking and listening skills which will enable them to explain their ideas and thoughts to others (Carkhuff, 2017). One thing to note is that communication skills involve not only the talking part but also the listening part. A good counselor listens more than talks. It is out of the listening process that a professional counselor can understand the challenges faced by the client. The second attribute is that of having problem-solving skills. Most counselors have exceptional problem-solving skills, and that is something that helps identify and rectify the negative thoughts of their clients.
The third important quality is that of being flexible. Most counselors adapt quickly to the changes that take place in the environment which they are living in. Flexibility, in this case, entails having the ability to easily adjust to the various personalities of the clients who come around for help. It helps when one can easily and quickly adjust to the unique demands or requirements that come with each character, without necessarily having to struggle with it.
Other additional qualities include that of being non-judgmental: which means that they must be ready to work with the client without having to look at their past mistakes (Wolf et al.,. 2014). Being multiculturally competent is important too because counselors interact with people from...
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