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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
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Social Environmental Risk Factors

Essay Instructions:
Instructions: Choose (3) three social environmental risk factors and explain how these factors may contribute to criminal behavior. Provide a minimum of (2) two scholarly resources (textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, or government websites) and ensure that the paper adheres to APA formatting guidelines.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Social Environmental Risk Factors Student’s Name Institution Course Professor Date Social Environmental Risk Factors Introduction Effective crime prevention and rehabilitation require social scientists to understand criminal behaviour determinants. Social environmental risk variables influence behaviour and crime. Understanding how economic disparities, family, and peer effects interact is crucial. This knowledge helps target prosocial interventions. Recognizing these elements allows researchers and professionals to create comprehensive crime-fighting tactics that make communities safer and more resilient. This paper will examine three social-environmental risk factors and their potential links to crime. Poverty and Economic Inequality Poverty and economic inequality shape crime by constraining access to crucial resources. Sociologist Robert K. Merton advances the strain hypothesis, stating that people with financial problems may engage in criminal activities as a means of achieving success and getting rich. Education, healthcare, and steady jobs are lacking in impoverished areas, making criminal activity appealing to those seeking financial relief. Economic hardship increases tension and dissatisfaction in these areas, encouraging crime. Economic desperation drives people to steal, sell drugs, or commit property crimes to improve their finances (Rolando et al., 2021). The lack of alternatives and urgent relief caused this approach. Economic inequality generates financial imbalances and breeds hatred and injustice. Antisocial conduct and crime thrive in socioeconomic class divisions. Crime can act as a means of agency or an expression of rectifying perceived social injustices by the oppressed. The link between poverty, economic disparity, and crime underscores the need for multidimensional solutions to tackle the root causes and build a more equitable society. Family Dysfunction and Lack of Social Support Family is a fundamental concept for organizing a person’s socialization and upbringing. Family dysfunction and isolation can ...
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