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Smart & Sustainable Initiative Proposed in Project & Technology Used

Essay Instructions:

Students will select a smart and sustainable project from Estevez et al. (2016, Appendix C.3. starting on p. 223) as a case study for critical evaluation and write a 1,400-word (+/- 50 words, excluding references) analytical paper. There are 21 projects in total, so students will each choose a different one. Students must post their project selection within the Wiki provided. Students will provide a brief summary, describing the smart and sustainable initiative proposed in the project and the technology used. Students should then carry out further research on the project in order to assess how it functions and to evaluate its promises and pitfalls. What is the smart city project intended/designed to do? If the project (or stages of it) has been completed did it live up to expectations? Why or why not? If the project has not yet been completed, what is holding it back? Do you think it will succeed? What are two or three policy/technical/execution/etc. changes that could be made to improve the case? Please note that the URLs provided each project might be outdated so you may have to do some exploratory internet research to find the relevant information. Wikipedia, for example, has a summary of most of the projects, with links to other relevant websites, including proponent websites, news stories, videos, etc.

Case study analyses must be sufficiently comprehensive and detailed.

Projects must be analyzed using academic concepts, theories, and research, and assessments must be evidence-based and objective. In other words, it is not enough to provide an opinion on the smart city example. Analyses must be based on facts, evidence-based research, and critical examination.

Analyses must be written according to academic standards of scholarship and referencing using APA.

Students must first accept the TURNITIN license agreement in order to post as a confidential Similarity Report will be provided.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Tianjin City Case
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Tianjin City Case
Summary, describing the smart and sustainable initiative proposed in the project and the technology used
The concern for the environment and social conditions has been one of the major priorities for governments (Estevez et al., 2016). In the contemporary cities setup, the environmental concern points majorly towards human health as it pertains to the technologies for energy production, infrastructure, food production, amongst others. Notably, one of the primary goals for smart cities is improving the nature of services provided to the urban population. The environment is considered of inherent value essential for human health and livelihoods, therefore, worth the protection. This calls for the sustainable use of resources to maintain smart and sustainable cities. Sustainable development, as applicable in this case, refers to the nature of development that considers the needs of future generations in terms of environmental, social, and economic dimensions (Clement & Crutzen, 2021).
The smart city concept incorporates information and communications technology (ICT) in service delivery within different sectors. The process entails adopting internet technology as a derivative of computer networking systems. This makes it possible to integrate the ICT systems and devices to ensure appropriate data utilization for various issues pertaining to service delivery (Yang et al., 2020).
What the smart city project intended/designed to do at Tianjin City
The smart-city project focuses on the development of environmental alongside social domains that demonstrate the transformation of the current urban development towards tackling climatic changes, saving energy and resources, environmental protection, and achieving social harmony. Further, the smart city intends to complement technological solutions with aspects of economic development to manage the balance between commercial and public interests. Such relations ensure affordability capable of creating socially inclusive and highly vibrant communities (Yang et al., 2020).
The Tianjin Eco-City provides a networked institutional interaction through the development of renewable energy-related initiatives. The key elements of the process entail information flows alongside interactions at consultative levels. The city is a reflection of low-carbon city planning from a Chinese perspective.
If the project (or stages of it) has been completed, did it live up to expectations? Why or why not?
The project has been under rapid development for the past eight years, achieving some of the initial objectives while others have not yet been achieved. The process requires rigorous analysis of emerging issues from different aspects, such as infrastructure traffic alongside energy consumption. The city appeals more to the young generation as opposed to the elderly. For instance, the residential buildings in the first phase of the project are multistory, therefore, considered not really suitable for the elderly (Li et al., 2019). The shopping centers alongside the animation industrial park are sure attraction centers for the young generation. Further, there is a lack of infrastructure for the older people, including hospitals and various health stations. The current indoor service facilities are not up-to-standards because they provide no allowance for the disabled.
Concerning energy consumption rates, those residents of the Eco-City still consider energy consumption the same as before. Such results are due to the issues that a section of the residents uses low energy-saving facilities to attain economic interests. Further, water and gas consumption, including waste generated, are more likely average. This could be attributable to the promotion of the living condition alongside improvement in the number of appliances. The residents enjoy water-saving resources using groundwater retention and water source planning. There is the transmission of garbage underground by using air as a driving force (Li et al., 2019).
The ecological traffic levels in terms of transportation seem to be well established. For instance, the population of the Eco-City tends to walk or take buses more frequently while going to work or visiting places (Li et al., 2019). This indicates that the residents embrace the ecological traffic measures that steer them towards greener choices. However, the construction of the bicycle and railway system are incomplete and imperfect, therefore, requires further attention. This provides enough evidence that the existing traffic within the Tianjin Eco-City partly achieves the ecological goal as intended.
If the project has not yet been completed, what is holding it back? Do you think it will succeed?
The presence of limited water resources was reported as holding back the social and economic development of Tianjin City. The process requires appropriate technology to help with the desalination process to meet municipal alongside industrial water requirements. The desalination project is possible with the planned construction of a water processing plant with an expanded capacity of 150,000 m3 per day. This also includes fulfilling the demanded seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) technology that desalinates and purifies water to the required standards. The use of Hyflux Pte. Ltd.’s energy recovery process provides one of the cost-effective solutions that would enable the generation of huge water volumes for...
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