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The Effect of Polarizations of American Politics

Essay Instructions:

Confronting Terrorism

For your final paper, review the various terrorist groups, causes, and motivators of terrorism examined throughout the course. Be sure to read Max Fisher’s article “Terrorist or Disturbed Loner? The Contentious Politics of a Label” (2017). Select one of the three options below to set the stage for how the U.S. should confront terrorism in the future, and evaluate your selected options according to the criteria at bottom.

• The effect of polarization of American politics. Assess how the polarization of American politics creates new threats of domestic terror in the U.S. from white nationalists, anarchists, extreme environmentalists, and radicalized citizens of Middle Eastern heritage. Watch the required video The American Face of Terror: Political and Security Realities, where a moderated panel discusses various views of the effects of politics and terrorism from a U.S. perspective and a terrorist perspective. They explore the issues and complexity of politics and terrorism and address the issue from military intervention to ideology, and from domestic to international perspectives.

• Terrorism end stages. There are several examples of governments and terrorist organizations ending hostilities, resulting in a normalization of relations between them. Some examples include the Irish Republican Army, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia (FARC), or the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Sri Lanka. Research several terrorist groups and determine how hostilities ended.

• Terrorism or criminal act. There is considerable debate on whether an event should be labeled a terrorist attack or if it is just a criminal act by a disturbed individual. With the lone wolf attacks in England, France, and the U.S., the lines between criminal and terrorist are blurred. Max Fisher’s article “Terrorist or Disturbed Loner? The Contentious Politics of a Label (Links to an external site.)” (2017) lays out several interesting arguments that can be traced back to defining terrorism and how we respond to events. Read the article and open and review the readers’ comments to better understand the issues surrounding labeling an incident as either a terrorist act or a criminal act.

After you have selected one of the three scenarios listed above, select an international or domestic terrorist group or movement that is active today and a threat to U.S. interests either at home or overseas.

In your paper,

• Summarize various strategies the U.S. can use to respond to or prevent terrorist attacks by your chosen group.

• Assess the potential effectiveness of

o Normal police response to criminal action.

o More comprehensive socioeconomic strategies.

o Military action.

• Appraise if additional police powers or legislative measures are needed by the federal government to protect the country from terrorist threats.

• Evaluate if increasing governmental powers to enhance security is worth the potential erosion of civil liberties.

Support your analysis with a minimum of six scholarly and/or credible resources (including a minimum of three from the UAGC Library).

The Confronting Terrorism paper

• Must be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style (Links to an external site.) as outlined in the UAGC Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

• Must include a separate title page with the following:

o Title of paper

o Student’s name

o Course name and number

o Instructor’s name

o Date submitted

• Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.

• Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

• Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.

• Must use at least six scholarly and/or credible resources (including a minimum of three from the UAGC Library).

o The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

• Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the UAGC Writing Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Confronting Terrorism
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Confronting Terrorism
Terrorism is critical to peace nationally and globally and heavily jeopardizes economic, social, and political growth. Terrorism limits human rights and values, thus affecting social growth and development. It can be defined as the implementation of intentional violence purposefully for achieving political aims. An act is defined as terrorism whenever it impacts the public and intimidates the government and its operations (Fisher, 2017). Terrorism originated in the 18th century due to the effects of the French revolution. However, it heavily spread from 1970 in the United States with high suicide attacks such as 9/11 (Napang et al., 2019). Terrorism is majorly linked to a morally wrong practice that inhibits peace. Therefore, terrorism can only be successful after adequately understanding its source and origin. Terrorism confrontation includes specific efforts for countering attacks from different groups through border security and judicial capabilities. It also involves monitoring the movements of terrorists and enforcing laws that limit executed threats by the terrorist groups. The major terrorist groups are Hizballah, Al-Qaeda, and ISIS due to their constant threats to different countries, especially the United States (Freilich et al., 2019). Due to the evolution of threats from these groups, different security agencies are also initiating programs and plans that can successfully reduce the adversaries. Confronting terrorism is a process that the security agencies cannot achieve alone; however, they require diplomatic engagement with other organizations to curb the problem. Counterterrorism capacity expansion is a suitable solution to the problem. The paper addresses terrorism confrontation based on American politics polarization effects and Atomwaffen Division.
The Effect of Polarizations of American Politics
One of the major causes of terrorism in the United States is the polarizations of its politics. Polarization in politics leads to increased domestic threats, leading to international escalations. Political polarization is an active concern in the United States and is divided into two major categories, including affective and ideological polarization. Ideological polarization is varying policy positions, while affective polarization is based on distrust among the political out-groups (McCann & Pimley, 2019). Differences in political ideologies are an issue that has promoted unhealthy activities in the country to the extent of coordinating with different terrorist groups to suppress specific ideologies through intentional violence. The polarization of American politics has also created dissimilar attitudes among different groups, thus jeopardizing peace and stability. Political polarization has promoted the growth of anarchists, and white nationalists detrimentally lead to specific political philosophies which are not adequately welcome in the country. For instance, anarchism focuses on state abolition, an issue that has raised political temperatures and created room for possible terrorism engagement. White nationalism is also an effect of political polarization, thus leading to racially segregated terrorism. The main aim is to suppress racial supremacy and embrace equality. Therefore, it is necessary to confront terrorism based on the actual causes.
Terrorist Group (Atomwaffen Division)
Atomwaffen Division is an active terrorist movement in the United States which falls under extremist violence organization. The movement was established in 2015 and has grown heavily due to increased political polarization and linked to current activities such as the Las Vegas shooting (Dolliver & Kearns, 2022). The group was founded by Russell Brandon and majorly recruits university students who actively engage in terrorism. The common universities linked to such recruitment include the University of Florida, Virginia, and Chicago. The group has also recruited different members from armed forces with significant skills in executing ill activities. The group is also critical in the United States since it is funded and supported by specific political groups with specific agendas such as promoting supremacy. Its management has become a major problem due to such support. For instance, in 2020, a chat group was identified as ProPublica with encrypted 250,000 chats mobilizing terrorism based on political ideologies and agendas (McCann & Pimley, 2019). The group contained 81 Atomwaffen members who planned to recruit more members before 2030. The identified terrorist group is a major threat to the United States since it has some branches in other countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, and France. However, they have specific brands in these countries, such as Sonnenkrieg Division in the United States. Their attacks are well planned and executed, making them difficult to trace. Therefore, the United States needs a well-organized strategic framework to prevent attacks by the Atomwaffen group.
Strategies to Prevent Terrorist Attacks by the Group
The United States can use different strategies to prevent Atomwaffen attacks. Provocation is a key strategy to suppress terrorism attacks from Atomwaffen. It is a strategy used whenever the government does not understand the actual intention of the terrorist group (Schuurman, 2019). The government should provoke the group to make them react, which would create room for understanding their intention. Provocation of the identified terrorist group will also allow the government to determine its ideologies and suitable approaches for dealing with such ideologies. During provocation, the United States should focus on information gathering techniques to ensure all the private information from the group is successfully accessed. The country should also use super intelligence capacities while collecting such information. Expanded intelligence capacity is necessary since it would allow the government to prevent the actual attacks by eliminating the plans. The key weakness that Atomwaffen considers is the leakages in the United States’ intelligence system. Therefore, provocation strategy and utilization of the intelligence system will successfully prevent the attacks from the terrorist group.
Additionally, there is a need for advanced, effective democracy. The major reason for the Atomwaffen group is enhancing their democratic rights of Nazism. Therefore, a long-term approach that would suppress their attacks is negotiation through establishing effective democracy, which successfully accommodates them. The government should promote a visible and free society that allows the citizens to express themselves without significant restrictions (McCann & Pimley, 2019). Elections should be conducted democratically without focusing on specific social considerations such as race or socio-economic aspects. It should embrace effective democracy which adheres to human rights and freedom to prevent any emerging concern. Some of the government’s freedom should also revise, including association and religion, to prevent specific groups from feeling assumed by the government. The approach can be necessary since it is a peaceful way of confronting terrorism. Effective democracy should also accommodate the interests of the socialists and reduce the negative polarization of politics. The strategy is also relevant since it would protect civil societies and uphold positive ideologies of peace and unity. Lastly, promoting effective democracy and negotiation would also resolve the problem by eliminating the battle of ideologies from the group. Therefore, the strategy would also prevent attacks from the group.
The government should also destroy the group network and save the life of the citizens. The major success strategy for the group is network. The group has networks from different regions, making it easy to fund their activities. The government should employ necessary techniques by using highly skilled spies to eliminate the terrorist networks (Schuurman, 2019). Moreover, the government should use artificial intelligence technology to spy on such networks and bring them down before the group initiates its plans. Disruption of such networks is also necessary since they will deny the terrorist groups from coordinating with other external branches in other countries, limiting their funds. Lastly, disruption of their networks will also reduce the political assistance and mobilization of the terrorist group. Therefore, the identified strategy would allow the government to successfully prevent attacks by the Atomwaffen terrorist group in the United States.
Normal Police Response
The potential effectiveness of police in responding to criminal activity is a key process that the United States utilizes to identify the loopholes of terrorist attacks. The American police response is described as one of the efficient among the world’s superpowers. Its response is effective due to the established counterterrorism alert system, which makes it easy to monitor criminal activities in the country (Mattis, 2018). The system is linked to different police departments making it easy to access the attacked areas. The potential policy response is also effective since connecting to a well-established 911 call processing system is easy. The system allows the police to identify specific areas frequent to terrorist attacks and strategies to respond to them effectively. Also, the 911 call processing system allows the community to interact with th...
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