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No one Should be Required to Retire at a Specific Age

Essay Instructions:

Page 1 & 2: Read topic: Debate: "Everyone should be required to retire at age 65." Or "No one should be required to retire at a specific age."
Then my response: The issues surrounding the matter of retirement have always been debatable. Some people argue that everybody should retire at the age of 65 since they stop being actively productive at this age. Others argue that people should not be forced to retire if they are still healthy. In my opinion I think the issue of retiring depends on the healthy and production rate of the individual. In some professions the older one gets on the job the better the experience for instance judges. They should be given extra years on the bench.
The issue of retirement depends on the individual. I think a person should retire the moment they become unproductive in society. A good way of measuring the productivity of an individual is by looking at their contribution to the company where they work. If amount of work is lowering and age is the primary cause then one should be forced to retire. Generally there should be no specific age where a person is required to retire. 
Then both peers response to topic: 
Peer 1: 
I am going to have to argue that "No one should be required to retire at a specific age." However, I do tread lightly in the matter. I feel like retirement should be handled on an individual basis, not forced upon by the government or society. If a person feels the need to retire at age 65 because work is getting harder by the day, more power to them. If a 65 year old person is still willing and able to work past the "retirement" age, more power to them too. We should not regulate an age limit on work. In fact, I believe if we required everyone aged 65 or older to retire, the older aged population would begin to decrease. Work is a sense of belonging and purpose for many people. Taking that away could have devastating effects.
On the other hand, by not having an age cut-off for retirement and allowing people to work past age 65, those people are accumulating more retirement benefits the longer they work. This could have a negative effect on future retirees and present retirees. However, when weighing the pros and cons, I still have to say NO to a required age limit on retirement.
Peer 2: 
I would have to go with "No one should be required to retire at a specific age."
I agree with this statement because everyone has the right to make their own choices about their own life. If you are 65 and above and health wise you are able to work and feel good then have at it go work. And the main reason you see a lot of elderly people working is because their Social Security Benefits is just not enough for their cost of living. Food, Medication, Co-payments for doctors are high and still rising; so their paycheck that they get every month is not enough. I am pretty sure some elderly don't won't to work but have no choice in the matter. They have bills and have to eat like everyone else. 
What you write: tell what you liked/agreed about each response to topic. keeping them separate. One page per peer. Keeping in mind of my response as well so we are on the same page. 
Page three: Debate: "The U.S. retirement income system will fail to meet the needs of most older Americans in the future.".

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Peer 1
I agree that, “No one should be required to retire at a specific age,” since individuals make a personal choice to continue working past the age of 65. Unlike before, there is realization that older workers are willing and able to work as they contribute positively to the society. The perspective that the government and the society can decide when is the right time for people to retire is based on the assumption that this is the best for everyone. However, this perspective ignores that there are older workers who feel a sense of belonging and purpose in their workplace, and they appreciate being given an opportunity to work.
At times, there is a tendency to assume that older workers are past their age and unproductive, but they have experience and some may be passionate about their work that they would not change jobs even if they received lower pay. The older workers may be slow in some jobs, but this does not mean that they are unproductive. However, employers reserve the right to hire younger workers if they feel that they are well suited to certain workplace more than the older workers. Increasingly, the workplace is computerized and the older workers will face more challenges if they are not technologically savvy.
There are workers who prefer to retire early, and this is not a problem so long as they can sustain themselves. When evaluating the most appropriate time for older workers to retire their health status and manner of job are considered. For instance, older workers cannot be expected to be in jobs that require heavy lifting for long because their advanced age may be a hindrance to their productivity. There is concern that as older workers work for long there accumulating retirement benefits and affects future retirees. Even as this is a plausible reason to support a retirement age limit, the older workers also contribute positively more in the workplace. Peer 2
No one should be required to retire at a specific age. Older workers who are healthy and productive should still continue working if they wish to. Choosing an age limit working excludes individuals who can provide experience and maturity in the workplace. However, if the older workers have health problems that disrupt their work, then they ought not to be working. Similarly, those who are unproductive barely contribute much in the workplace, and especially when their ability has diminished. Older workers can decide when it is appropriate to retire depends on the circumstances and performance review.
Unlike earlier times, older workers stay longer in jobs to cover for the social security benefits. Forcing the older workers to retire even when p...
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