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Principle of Checks And Balances and Quality of Governance in Contemporary Political Systems

Essay Instructions:

Discuss comparatively the link between the principle of “checks and balances” and the quality of governance in contemporary political systems (max. 1500 words). You are free to use concrete examples as you see fit.
Essay Guidelines
This is a comparative analysis as such it should have both a comparative structure (per elements of comparison NOT per case) and a comparative analysis (balanced evidence for each element of analysis from each case)
Construct and develop a convincing argument (I do not grade whether or not I agree with your argument, unless it makes absolutely no sense, but I do grade the structure, clarity and assertiveness of your argument)
Support the argument with both general theoretical statements and empirical evidence
Set up clearly the argument in the introduction and how you plan to develop it
Smooth links between ideas; there should be an argumentative line running throughout, linking everything together;
Do not be superficial in your analysis or stereotypical
I want to see analysis not description
Ask yourselves “WHY” things happen, not just “WHAT” happened.
Format: 2 pages, Times New Roman, font 11, 1.5 spacing.
avoid colloquialism; without being pretentious use academically sound vocabulary
- make use of theoretical concepts
- avoid heavy, convoluted syntax (see http://orwell(dot)ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit)
- avoid passive voice, repetitions, restrain from attaching adjectives with no argumentative value for the sake of stressing importance (e.g. crucial, vital, significant, extraordinary)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Link between the principle of “checks and balances” and the quality of governance in contemporary political systems
Institutional affiliation

Link between the principle of “checks and balances” and the quality of governance in contemporary political systems
Separation of powers in a country is a fundamental undertaking to ensure democracy prevails. The three organs of government include legislature, executive, and judiciary which acts independently. Additionally, devolved governments are often separated into federal, state, and local governments, which act in conjunction with each other, but have their significant differences in execution of the power. Democracy alludes to the civil and political rights and the fair distribution of power within the society. Democracy and separation of power focus on how citizens of a particular country can control and maintain scrutiny over political institutions. In this context, the system of checks and balances forms an integral part of the constitution. The provisions of checks and balances ensure that the three branches of the government cannot limit the powers of one another (Bebler & Seroka, 1990). Through these systems, no branch is more powerful than the other, and it ensures that power is balanced for the citizens. The intent of this paper is to address the link between the principle of “checks and balances” and the quality of governance in contemporary political systems given that political systems might operate on a similar legal platform and use the same type of governmental approaches that often deliver differently.
Throughout our history, we have used social constructs that include economics, culture, and religion as the major factors that determine the political system. The contemporary democratic systems of government are based on state power, which is often capital. Despite the use of democratic mechanisms, there is a lack of declared political rights and freedom. Suggestively, power is taken by individuals whose personal and professional qualities do not correspond to their obligation to the public leading to a deceptive effect of a delegation of national interests. Few nations in the modern world have constitutional provisions that are more than a hundred years. Notably, most of the countries have constitutions that were written in the 20th and 21st century (Fortes & Evans-Pritchard, 2015). For instance, countries that were defeated in the World War II, including Germany, Italy, and Japan, as well as countries that have encountered civil war and political instability in recent times including the successor states of the Soviet Union, Spain, and China. In these countries, checks and balance function differently as demonstrated in the following ways:
Input in the decision
For democratic and old countries, such as the USA and the UK, the decision-making process lies in the power of the people. For an instant, Brexit was one of the recent decision-making constitutional provision that saw the UK leave the European Union through a referendum. For the contemporary political systems, decisions can be made by a small group where leaders gather members of a group and ask for their opinion on an issue. In the country level, this is achieved by representation. In this context, the quality of leadership might be compromised by the fact that such positions come with financial gains, which might be the sole purpose of an individual. Additionally, in situations where representatives handle public funds, there are often complaints of embezzlement and corruption due to poor management skills and the lack of professionalism. In such cases, the application of checks and balances might fail or mi...
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