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Shared Capabilities of US Air Force, Space Force, and Army

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following in a single essay:

First, in 600 words or less, consider the Air Force and a sister service component of your choosing and explain two capabilities that exist in both and why retaining these duplicated capabilities in both services enhances joint operations and preserves service competencies.

Second, for the remainder of the essay and in 400 words or less, consider the Air Force and a sister service component (can be the same or different component) and explain one capability (different from the first part of the essay) that exists in both and argue why one of the services should have primary ownership of that duplicated capability and that doing so will not sacrifice the effectiveness of the joint force.

When supporting your arguments, consider Service doctrine, Service capabilities, the nature and elements of joint operations, other course and external material, and examples.

Note: Competency – The ability to do something successfully or efficiently.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

AF Capabilities & Components: Shared Capabilities with the Army and Space Force
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AF Capabilities & Components: Shared Capabilities with the Army and Space Force
The US Air Force consists of six departments; Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Space Force, and Air Force. These six services cover five war-fighting domains. These include space, air, land, sea, and cyber. To perform their jobs of securing the interests of the US internally and externally, these six services have acquired and developed specific capabilities. Most are duplicated, meaning they are shared between two or more services, while other capabilities are distinct features of either of the services (CSIS, 2019). Joint ventures are decided on account of these shared capabilities. The two sister services of the Air Force and the Army have shared capabilities, two of which are discussed here.
Air Force and the Army
US Air Force is responsible for air warfare, air defense system, and providing air services to other army branches. The US Air Force's six capabilities are information superiority, air and space superiority, global Presence, rapid global mobility, agile combat support, and precision engagement (CSIS, 2019). In terms of vigilance, reach, and power, it is one of the most lethal armed forces globally, if not the most.
As the branch of the armed forces of the US, the Army is responsible for sustained land combat and looking after the security interests outside of the US. The Army identifies two core competencies and seven enabling competencies. The core competencies are combined arms maneuver and wide-area security. The enabling competencies of the Army are in supporting security cooperation, tailoring forces to the combat commander, conducting entry operations, providing flexible mission command, supporting joint and Army forces, supporting domestic civil authorities, mobilizing and integrating the reserve components (CSIS, 2019).
Two capabilities are standard in both services. These are:
* Rapid global mobility in the Air Force and the combined arms maneuver in the Army.
* Global Presence in the Air Force and the Army's competency in mobilizing and integrating the reserve components.
The capability of rapid global mobility for the Air Force means that its more than 300,000 active-duty airmen are ready to leave for a calling anywhere in the world. There are multiple mobility aircrafts available to the Air Force that can serve coalition forces (Joint Publication 3-0, 2017). Combined arms maneuver is about using the components of combat power (movement and maneuver, leadership, information, intelligence, fires, mission command sustainment, and protection) to gain physical, temporal, and psychological advantages over the enemy (Joint Publication 1, 2013). The Army, as a department, is trained to do so in the sight of various challenges posed by enemies where these men operate external to the US boundaries.
Global Presence is the capability of the US Air Force, which allows it to attack anywhere, anytime, and with greater precision than its counterparts. Such a capability is ba...
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