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How Social Determinants and a Person's Prior Experiences Impact Behavior Change

Essay Instructions:

Mapping the Social Cognitive Theory

Interpersonal models focus on the multiple influences that produce health behaviors within individuals. The constructs of Social Cognitive Theory are reciprocal determinism, outcome expectancy, self- and collective efficacy, observational learning, incentive motivation, facilitation, self-regulation, and moral disengagement.

Mapping out the Social Cognitive Theory allows the health and wellness educator to identify the environmental, social network, and social support to accomplish behavior change. In this assignment, you will map out a scenario using the Social Cognitive Theory.

View/Download the Template Tables download(DOC) for use in this assignment.

Create a 4-page paper (not including the title and references pages) in a Word document for your response.

Use APA format for the title page, references page, and in-text citations for your paper.

Compose an introduction and conclusion for your paper.

Follow the steps to complete the assignment.

Step 1. Review the Social Cognitive Theory Mapping Example from the Module 3 presentation on the Template Tables document (linked above).

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Step 2. To create your map, access the Social Cognitive Theory Mapping Template from the Template Tables document (linked above). As long as you maintain the categories, you may choose the graphics design for your template, including fonts, colors, etc.

Step 3. Select an existing scenario from the library database or the Internet, or create a scenario demonstrating interpersonal health behavior.

Step 4. Relate the scenario in paragraph format as the introduction to your paper.

Step 5. Using the scenario and the example, map out the constructs of the Social Cognitive Theory.

How do the constructs of the theory apply to the health behavior?

In the conclusion of the paper, devise a plan of how you would address the existing health behavior to help the individual in the scenario make a behavioral change.

Please have it done by 6/10

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June 3, 2021
Many elements and theories have been developed to pin identify a certain human behavior, and individuals who research these aspects are usually referred to as psychologists who are experts in understanding how human minds operate. Instilling expectancies, self-efficacy, and employing observational learning and other rewards to effect behavior change are all part of the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). Individual experiences, other people's actions, and environmental circumstances all have an impact on people's health habits, according to SCT CITATION Rur \l 1033 (Rural Health Information Hub, n.d.). In SCT, mapping entails writing out all of the aspects that impact an individual's lifestyle and, in result, his or her psychological health. SCT takes into account the particular ways in which people learn and sustain behaviors, as well as the social context in which they do so.
In the scenario presented in Module 3, a lack of physical exercise causes the children to become overweight, which may have long-term consequences for their health. Of course, it is not the children's fault that they do not live a physically active lifestyle; rather, it is their surroundings that push them to do so. SCT focuses on an individual's surroundings and how it affects their health for the better or for the worse. Overall, the scenario centered on identifying many elements and perspectives that contribute to youngsters being overweight.
By presenting a scenario that demonstrates a person's interpersonal health behavior, I have produced a circumstance that I believe effectively illustrates how a person's environment may influence their health in various ways. In the midst of a pandemic, the government has banned all outdoor activities, and children under the age of 14 are not permitted to go outside, restricting physical exercise. Jen, the 14-year-old girl's name, has nothing else to do with her time and has no choice but to spend it on social media. Her mother is frequently preoccupied at work as a result of the many changes that have occurred since the "new normal" began, and she has little or no time to supervise her daughter, while her father works overseas and will not be able to return home soon owing to travel restrictions. Jen began to develop an undesirable sleeping pattern as a result of her extensive use of her phone, and she became emaciated and underweight. We can see how Jen's environment influenced her physical health, which is closely linked to a person's interpersonal health behavior when they respond based on how their environment operates, whether consciously or subconsciously. This situation is extremely similar to the one in module 3 when the two children's surroundings had an unintentional long-term impact on their health.
First, Jen's present surroundings and state prevent her from engaging in any physical activity outside, since she is in the midst of a pandemic that is unavoidable but manageable with adult supervision. This means that any adult can compel or encourage her to undertake sports at home that do not need her to interact with others. And because Jen's mother is preoccupied with the "new normal" at her job as a result of the epidemic, and her father works from afar, there is a lack of adult supervision in this situation, which make Jen’s situation hard. Looking at things from a new angle Jen's condition may have been different if she had exercised on her own without any prodding, but again she is only a girl.
The health educator should supply the scenario and the solution that a health worker should perform if she or he is attempting to tackle the problem presented in the scenario when mapping this using the template provided. There are several approaches to dealing with a specific situation, but it is up to the health educator to determine the best approach. Based on the example given, mapping this SCT would look like this:



Health Educator’s Next Action

Reciprocal Determinism

People Influence  Environment Influence

Her mother has little time to supervise her daughter while her father works overseas and cannot return to her home at the earliest time possible. In turn, both her physical and psychological affects have been affected by her social media addition. Nonetheless, this can be mitigated with the help of her parents’ support and supervision.

Instruct the parents how to keep their daughter healthy throughout the pandemic.

Outcome Expectancy

Beliefs about the probability of each possible consequence emanating from every behavioral option.

In the case prese...
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