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Similarities and Differences of Organizations' Responses to Covid-19 Crisis

Essay Instructions:

Hi, this order is similar to the last one. This time it is a group assignment and I only need to complete the first point which is (a. Based on the ZOOM webinars and your own group experiences and research, what are the similarities and differences in handling this COVID-19 crisis among your chosen organizations? Your discussion should cover (1) measures to “save” the organizations during the crisis

Assignment Questions

Group Assignment (Written and Oral)

Your group needs to choose 2 - 3 organizationsin different countries covered in the webinar series and answer the following questions.

a. Based on the ZooM webinars and your own group experiences and research, what are the similarities and differences in handling this COVID-19 crisis among your chosen organizations? Your discussion should cover (1) measures to “save” the organizations during the crisis (2) changes made / planned changes to be made to the organizations’ marketing and operational (possibly any and / or all of Finance, HR, IT and Operation, etc.) efforts. Please be reminded to avoid mere descriptions. Instead, your group is required to compare and contrast.

b. What are some possible reasons for the differences your group mentioned in (a) above?

Please relate the reasons to differences in socio-cultural, legal-political, economicfinancial and technological aspects across countries / cultures / economies and also across industries. You need to quote evidence and refer to the talks given by guest

speakers and should also conduct additional research.

c. Your group needs to conduct relevant literature review. Suggested topics include crisis management, risk management, cultural differences, innovation, sustainability, etc.

Your group does not need to cover all these suggested topics and may also choose other topics which you believe are relevant. Remember, the purpose of literature review is to allow you to look at the same issues from different researcher’s perspectives. As such, the more rigorously you read, the more different perspectives you can take on.

This is all the requirements of the assignment, I only need to complete the first point in part a.

Then our group chose the Recording you mentioned in your last order, and another one is

Corporate Responsibility in a Time of Crisis.

Their links are below March 26 by Mr. Peter Richards (starting at 00:22:00)



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizations' Responses to Covid-19 Crisis
Student’s Name
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Course ID
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Due Date
Organizations' Responses to Covid-19 Crisis
The emergence of Covid-19 has altered the normalcy of life. It has not only affected human interactions but has also dealt a significant blow to the corporate world. All nations and organizations have been brought to their knees by this pandemic. The financial distress has forced corporations to restructure and reorganize to manage these turbulent times (Greenwood, 2020). This study aims to compare the responses to the Covid crisis between different organizations in different countries.
Measures to save organizations during the crisis
Collaboration and teamwork help an organization move quickly to respond to a crisis (Richards, 2021). For example, the UN International Trade Center (UNITC) worked closely with the local community in Myanmar, which contributed to the Myanmar Inclusive Tourism Project (Richards, 2021). Similarly, OECD countries are trying to combat the global climate change crisis (Schmidt, 2021).
The UNITC developed various guidelines (general and specific) in response to Covid-19. These guidelines helped streamline interactions with the locals and focus on empowering them by training them and helping them identify particular niche markets (Richards, 2021). Government regimes globally laid down guidelines in response to covid-19. They did this by imposing lockdowns and also the introduction of vaccines (Schmidt, 2021). This response ensured continuity in operations despite the effects imposed by the crisis.
Covid-19 has forced organizations to reconfigure and rethink their businesses (Schmidt, 2021). The majorly affected departments were the workforce and operations. It has resulted in lost jobs, workplace changes, and changes in demand (Schmidt, 2021). The UNITC did not stop its operations in Myanmar (Richards, 2021). Moreover, it worked closely with the community and educated them on precautions to protect themselves from Covid-19.
Changes to organizations' marketing and operational efforts
Recent studies suggest that building robustness, predicting disruptions, and recoverability affect sustainability's social and economic aspects (Rai, 2021).
Companies globally have been affected due to the disruption of supply chains. Due to this, some have adopted green products to manufacture environmentally friendly products (Schmidt, 2021). Similarly, the UNITC's organizational culture fostered an efficient working re...
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