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Perspective on Freedom and Security

Essay Instructions:

In this discussion, you will share your perspective on freedom and security and you will examine the perspectives of your classmates.

Reflect on the assigned readings for this week and the debate around freedom and security.

Assigned Readings:

Kristof, N. D. (2002, September 10). Security and freedom. New York Times. https://link(dot)gale(dot)com/apps/doc/A91792952/AONE?u=umd_umuc&sid=AONE&xid=c33c27b9

Haynes, D. D. (2015, May 14). Liberty vs. security: An old debate renewed in the age of terror. Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel. http://archive(dot)jsonline(dot)com/news/opinion/liberty-vs-security-an-old-debate-renewed-in-the-age-of-terror-b99500066z1-303775951.html/

Funk, A. & Linzer, I. (2020, March 17). How the coronavirus could trigger a backslide on freedom around the world. Washington Post. https://www-proquest-com(dot)ezproxy(dot)umgc(dot)edu/docview/2377836585?accountid=14580

Stanley, J. (2018, July 16). A pro-liberty case for gun restrictions. ACLU. https://www(dot)aclu(dot)org/blog/privacy-technology/pro-liberty-case-gun-restrictions

Then, write 2-3 paragraphs where you:

(1) identify the reading selection with which you most disagree and why

(2) outline and justify your perspective on whether freedom should ever be sacrificed for security

(3) explain how your core values affect your perspective on freedom and security

(4) demonstrate appropriate sentence boundaries, along with all of the grammar and writing skills covered in previous weeks

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Freedom and Security
Student’s name
Freedom and Security             Freedom and security are probably the most debated concepts yet most contrasting in interpretation by many. On matters of national security, the two contrasting concepts become even more difficult to find a balance or even choose one over the other. Haynes (2015), in his journal “Liberty vs. Security: An old debate renewed in the age of terror,”  argued that Edward Snowden, the former NSA whistleblower on the U.S. government bulk data collection program, is more of a patriot than a traitor. For a person that is mindful of the security of millions of Americans, Snowden’s acts are a threat to the greater good of protecting millions of Americans and thus unethical. Besides, the disregard by Snowden to follow the proper channels to address the matter and opt for the whistleblower option did more harm than good to the security concerns of the Americans and should not be condoned by anybody as is doing Haynes by laud...
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