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Different Factors that Influence Work Retention of Pilar Ramirez

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 1: Application of ICF to Case Scenario

Read the Pilar Ramirez case scenario below. Based on course material and your own opinion and experience, map the factors onto the ICF that are presented in the case or that you can infer and that you believe might influence Pilar’s work retention.

Students may find it helpful to start by identifying the body structure(s) and then the body function(s) affected. Then they could consider the activities, participation impact, and the environmental factors that may contribute to the problems the worker is experiencing
Ramirez Case Study

Pilar Ramirez is a previously healthy 42-year-old orthopedic nurse. She recently returned from a Habitat for Humanity building project in Central America. She complains of an acute onset of low back pain, primarily on the right side. She reports a baseline pain level of 4 or 5 on a scale of 10 but she reports that this increases to a 7 or 8 with bending or reaching forward, lifting, or prolonged standing or walking. This pain interferes with dressing, home-making activities, and work. She typically works 12-hour shifts as a practical nurse in a large hospital.

If you are not familiar with pain rating methods, one that is very widely used because it is quick, easily understood, and psychometrically sounds (suitable for research use) (Tappan, Tseng, & SCI EDGE, 2012) is the Numeric Rating Scale. People are asked to rate their pain on a scale from 0-10, where 0 means No Pain and 10 is the Worst Pain Imaginable. This scale can be used to establish pain level and to track changes in pain during activity, before and after treatment, and so forth. The assessment may be administered verbally or in a written/visual format. For some examples of presentation format for pain scales, see: http://img(dot)medscape(dot)com/article/742/580/VAS.pdf

Essay Sample Content Preview:
 Title Your Name: Subject and Section: Professor’s Name: Date Submitted: Application of ICF to Case Scenario  Case Scenario: Pilar Ramirez Case
Factors that influence work retention
There different factors that highly influence the work retention of Pilar Ramirez are divided into at least two categories, namely external factors, and personal factors. Most of the external factors that can be inferred based on the given case of Pilar Ramirez are work-related. These are relevant factors that will determine the connection between the current condition of Pilar Ramirez and her occupation. The factors mentioned in this category are the following:

  • Working condition

  • Task contents

  • Terms of employment

  • Health service and insurance

  • Social relations at work

  • Macroeconomic situation

It is essential to include working conditions in the factors. There are many subdivisions when discussing working conditions such as physical aspects, ergonomic aspects, hygiene, level of protection and aid available, biological and chemical agents, etc., which all parts of the term (Heerkens et al., 2004). However, the most relevant ones in the case of Pilar Ramirez are ergonomic aspects and the physical infrastructure of her workplace. As a nurse, there are many considerations required when thinking about proper ergonomics because a nurse is involved not only in deskwork or administrative duties but also in patient care. Aside from arranging the usual desk, computer setup, and computer chair based on the user to prevent the onset or worsening of pain, proper ergonomics should also be considered with the lifters, patient beds, transfer chair, etc. For the physical infrastructure of the hospital, some considerations would be the availability of elevators or escalators, the number of floors, safety, and accessibility of the various utilities and departments associated with nurses and their responsibilities during their shift.
The specific task contents relevant to Pilar Ramirez and her job as a nurse are the intense work demands of being in health care and the long shifts at work. Since the physical condition of Pilar Ramirez restricts her from doing a wide range of activities that are involved in her job responsibilities, the demands of the work may be perceived as too much due to the 12-hour shifts that Pilar Ramirez is on and the physical demands of the work itself. Being a nurse involves aggravating activities such as prolonged desk work for administrative duties, prolonged walking when checking up on patients, and a lot of lifting and transfers depending on the cases of the patients (Heerkens et al., 2004).
The terms of employment are another set of essential factors because depending on the higher administrative officials that decide on the welfare of the employees, Pilar Ramirez can receive proper consideration that is required with her acute onset low back pain that hinders her from performing her duties as a nurse in the hospital. Some possible terms that may be discussed that will either promote work retention or not are sick leave, temporary working hours, job responsibilities, etc.
The availability of health services and insurance because of the work ...
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