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Federalism: Introducing Democracy Across Boarders

Essay Instructions:

For your midterm paper, you are to find an article from a reputable news source that discusses an issue related to federalism. You will then answer the following questions:

What issue is your article discussing and why is it an example of federalism?

What problems have arisen, or could potentially arise, as a result of the state-national policy interaction discussed in your article?

In your opinion, is United States federalism an efficient method of governance, or does it create more problems than it solves? Why?

Be sure to use as many examples from the readings as possible. Show me that you understand what you are writing about.

Assignment requirements

Your essay should be 3-4 pages in length double spaced (not including work cited).

Include a work cited page.

Your chosen article should be from a credible source, if you are not sure please ask the professor in advance if your source is credible.

Your article should have been written within the last 24 months.

Your essay should include citations from your chosen article in MLA format.


Use a standard font and margin spacing (Times New Roman, Calibri).

Your header should be single spaced, include your full name, student ID number, and class.

Include a title.

Be sure to cite when you quote or paraphrase.

Your paper should be written in a clear and concise manner. If your grammar or phrasing distracts from your work you will be marked down.

You may use internal citations, footnotes, or endnotes.

Please MLA style of citation

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code/Title
“How a Gerrymander Nearly Cost Us the Bill of Rights” by Richard Labunski
Question 1
The article shows that the process of gerrymandering was started in the past to define the political borders regarding the regions that supported either of the dominant parties. The same has been found in the current political and gets back to the debate between James Madison and Patrick Henry and the latest Supreme Court decision regarding election district boundaries, which favor parties (Labusnki). In this case, the culmination of events of the debate has been cited and can be provided regarding the facts that have been outlined in the article and other sources (Constitutionfacts.com). The case has cited the past inferences regarding the debate. The two leading personalities were involved in the deliberations regarding Federalism, its advantages and disadvantage as outlined by the debaters. Madison’s essential argument in the “Federalist No. 10” is the element regarding the cooperativeness if citizens having similar thoughts, passion, and interest will have the ability to accomplish whatsoever they need irrespective of their activities being wrong or right. For instance, he demonstrates that a violent faction may be included in disruption, especially when the majority is concerned (Labusnki). Hence, the idea supports the Republican form of government because he sees democracy as having its disadvantages. After all, it is not inclusive, and the majority has power over the minority, especially concerning handling violent factions.
On the contrary, Henry’s main argument is that democracy does not help the American population in various ways, supporting Madison’s argument (Constitutionfacts.com). Thus, he sees the Republican government as the solution to the noted democratic flows. In this case, Federalism is supported because it champions the involvement of the people in both the central and state governments and that citizens should be treated equally. In his argument, he finds it very hard to accept that this type of administration may lead to the loss of several benefits by the majority just because of a very minute fraction said to be practicing its democratic right (Labusnki). Therefore, he sees this Constitution allowing such actions to happen as no fit for society. It will not bring any good to society and is against the American principle of liberty. However, suppose the Republican ideology is adopted. In that case, every citizen will be capable of experiencing liberty that has led to the growth and development of the country for...
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