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Introduction to Person-centred Planning Practice

Essay Instructions:

QUESTION 2 – Advocacy -total of 10 marks available (20%) - minimum 250 words to no more than one-page response.

Advocacy is important to ensure the rights of people with disabilities are enacted and safeguarded. Please demonstrate your understanding of two common types of advocacy from the following list - Individual, Citizen, Self, Systems/Systemic. Outline which type/s of advocacy you would use and why if you worked alongside Michael, Taylor and their families in the case study explored in the week ten tutorial.

QUESTION 3: NDIS This is a two-part question - Total of 20 Marks (40%)

To assist individuals and families navigate the NDIS system, you will need to have content knowledge of the NDIS, be able to navigate the system and convey this to a diverse range of potential participants. Demonstrate your knowledge by providing a written response to both A & B:

A. Demonstrate your knowledge of the NDIS pathway and eligibility (10 marks - 20%) - minimum 250 words to no more than one page response:

i -Outline the pathway to access individual funding in the NDIS, ensuring you describe key steps/stages in the pathway.

ii- Regarding access to the NDIS – name and discuss two groups who encounter barriers regarding eligibility to individual funding under the NDIS.

B. Show knowledge of the terms “reasonable and necessary” and their relationship to NDIS funding. total 10 marks (20%) – minimum 250 words to no more than a page:

i) Explain how the terms reasonable and necessary are used during the assessment process for NDIS funding.

ii) What impact can these terms have on individuals and their families? In your response, you should consider the diversity of people, their circumstances and culture.

QUESTION 4: Income Support and Disability Employment -total 10marks (20%) - minimum 250 words to no more than one-page response. As a worker/practitioner it is important to know the connection between income support and disability employment services.

i) Outline some of the challenges young people with a disability face being on Newstart?

ii) What suggestions could you make for the reform of these payments for people with a disability and why?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Quiz- Take-Home Short Answers
Institutional Affiliation
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Quiz- Take-Home Short Answers
Q.1 Person-centred Planning Practice
a) Definition
The person-centred practice involves the integration, synthesis, and the use of important aspects of “person-centredness” or the activities that are considered critical to an individual from their standpoints (Kilbane et al., 2007). These activities result in the full inclusion of individuals in society. In other words, the practice entails working in manners that will maximize the authority that people have to live independently.
b) Why it is suited to work with people living with disability
The person-centred approach is well-suited for people with disabilities since it breaks the myths about their condition and to become independent in their lives. The approach builds an inclusive community where people with a disability can feel involved to participate in society. Equally, a person-centred approach ensures that the voices of the person, as well as those close to them, are heard to allow their inclusion in society (Lecture Week 10). The approach has also been used to prevent depersonalising labels as well as discrimination of people with disabilities and therefore making it well-suited for such individuals.
c) Challenges with the approach
There are various challenges professionals encounter when applying person-centred planning such as ensuring that this approach always remains person-centred. Secondly, this approach fails to offer a critical analysis of structural or institutional forms of the oppression met and may only work better for some individuals but not others. For instance, it is less likely that individuals with emotional and psychosocial disabilities will participate. Third, lack of commitment on the side of facilitators is one of the different barriers that are common in organisational practices. Fourth, the approach may demand that professionals invest significant resources, skill, and time and there are other issues such as the readiness to participate on the side of people living with disabilities as well as their families in this approach.
Q.2 Advocacy (Two common types and the ones I would use and why if I worked alongside Michael, Taylor, and their families in the case)
Michael Cox and Taylor Anderton are a young couple living with Down Syndrome and desperate to live normal lives with children but their parents are opposed to their decision (Australian Story: Tough Love, 2016). In this scenario, two common types of individual advocacy are relevant in Cox and Anderton’s case as explored in Lecture 10 of the tutorials. Individual advocacy supports the rights of people living with disabilities by addressing issues related to abuse, discrimination, and neglect. The first form of individual advocacy that could be applied in the couple’s story is citizen advocacy where people with disabilities are matched with volunteers to address their issues. A citizen advocacy coordinator will identify different individuals living with disabilities and in need of advocacy and match them to unpaid advocates who can be recruited for both formal and informal roles. Since this model largely relies on the goodwill of the community, it has serious challenges of underfunding by the government in Australia (Lecture 10). The second type is legal advocacy that will work to support the rights and interests of the young couple. Unlike citizen advocacy, legal advocacy involves professionals working in regular hours and have formal credentials to practice. These professionals have wide-ranging knowledge and expertise, including the knowledge of networking the young couple to similar individuals struggling with the problem of discrimination. This type of advocacy will address the legal aspects of abuse, discrimination, and neglect. Legal advocacy offers specialized legal services and will afford Cox and Anderton the right to have children and prevent discrimination due to their Down Syndrome condition.
a) NDIS Pathway and Eligibility
i) Pathway to access individual funding in the NDIS
The pa...
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