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Sentencing Discrepancy Social Sciences Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

This week, you will research an article related to discrepancy and the court system, and it will help you prepare for your Wk 4 – Signature Assignment: Race and Ethnicity in the Courts and Correctional System presentation. Change and sentence discrepancies between individuals of varying socioeconomic backgrounds are concerns when it comes to race and the court system.

Research the Brock Turner and Corey Batey cases and their sentences for background information.

Research 1 article that discusses an issue or concern related to the sentencing of someone who committed a crime.

Write a 350- to 700-word summary in which you:

Explain the crime that was committed and the sentence the individual was given.

Describe the person’s racial and ethnic background.

Explain the issue or concern related to the court’s sentence for the crime.

Provide data as to why there is an issue with the sentence.

Cite sources to support your assignment.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sentencing Discrepancy
Due Date
Sentencing Discrepancy
Crime and sentence given
Walter McMillian had his life completely altered in 1986 after he was accused of murder. A white woman by the name of Ronda Morrison was murdered in 1986. This crime happened in downtown Monroeville, Alabama, and the small town was in shock at the heinous activity. After six months of investigations, the police still had nothing but pressure from the townspeople made it difficult to share such information.
Walter McMillian was a logger at the time, and he had no criminal history. He was known in the community, and this is mainly because of an affair he had with a married white lady. There was no connection between McMillian and Ronda’s murder, but the police made sure that one sufficed. After coercing one witness to testify of McMillian’s guilt, the police arrested and charged McMillian with murder. The case moved so fast, and before his trial, McMillian was placed on death row for 15 months.
McMillian’s alibis were all ignored, and the jury found him guilty and “sentenced him to life imprisonment without parole” (EJI, 2020). However, the judges overrode this sentence and sentenced “Mr. McMillian to death by electrocution.”
Person’s racial and ethnic background
McMillian was an African American male whose life took a turn for the worst after being wrongfully accused of murder. The police, led by the Sheriff, worked hard to ensure that the man was found guilty and sentenced to death at the time. The police used coercion and their connections to make sure that McMillian spent 15 years on death row. The Sheriff, Tom Tate, is said to be in the middle of it all because “he arranged for Mr. McMillian to be placed on death row before his trial” (EJI, 2020). Being black and having an affair made McMillian a target and e...
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