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“On Being Sane In Insane Places” by David L. Rosenhan: Article Review

Essay Instructions:



Papers should be 2 pages, typed (double spaced), and consist of 3 parts - labeled:


PART I (SUMMARY): (worth 44%, 11 points; 1-1¼ pages) This section highlights the main points of the lecture/discussion/readings.  Try to answer the following question: "What are the most fundamental points/ideas being discussed?”  Try to have no more than 5 key points, no fewer than 3.  Do not include many small details.  It’s okay to use a few statistics, but the purpose here is to succinctly summarize the primary arguments put forth in the discussions/readings.  Write this section as though the reader has NOT attended class or done the readings.  Refer appropriately to AUTHORS BY NAME FROM ASSIGNED READINGS.    Be sure to make each key point a complete sentence; otherwise, it won't make sense and you'll lose points!


PART II (PERSONAL REACTION):  (worth 32%, 8 points; 2/3 - 3/4 of a page) This section involves a critical reaction and evaluation of Part I.  React to and thoughtfully evaluate the basic ideas that you highlighted in Part I.  Be sure to cover at least two or three main points.  Take a stance.  Which of the arguments make more sense?  Are they logical?  Agree, disagree, REACT! REFLECT!  Please use "I statements" as this should be your personal reflection (connect material to your personal life).  Here I am looking at how reflective, thoughtful, questioning, & critical your response is.  Does it appear that the student really understood and reacted to the material?  Always tell HOW you feel about a certain issue and WHY you feel that way (provide a rationale/justification).


PART III (PERSONAL APPLICATION):  (worth 12%, 3 points; 1/3 - 1/4 of a page) What was the one, MOST important, helpful, and/or interesting to you about these particular lectures/discussions?  Why was this so?  Cite the ideas/facts/data/event that meant the most to you and state why.  Ask yourself questions such as:  Has this new information changed me?  How?  Has it changed any of my actions/behaviors/thoughts in the present?  Will this new information alter my thinking/actions in the future?  How?  Here I am looking at how well you connect with one aspect of our discussion/lecture.


Grammar, punctuation, spelling, and writing effectiveness is worth 3 points (12%).

*Caption each part of your summary (PART I, PART II, PART III) so it’s all clear.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
“On Being Sane In Insane Places” by David L. Rosenhan: Article Review
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“On Being Sane In Insane Places” by David L. Rosenhan: Article Review
The article “On Being Sane In Insane Places” by David L. Rosenhan challenges that assumption that it is possible for trained professionals to undertake an accurate diagnosis of what constitutes normality or mental illness. In the source, the author suggests that researchers who posed as pseudo patients in mental hospitals but behaved normally were regarded insane by the hospital staff irrespective of how much they acted as being normal. The author raises several points in support of his assertion, he points to the sociologists discussion that deviance is a relative term because the level of perception that a behavior is regarded to be defiant depends on the historical, cultural or situational context in which it occurs. The second point that Rosenhan sought to show was the idea that normality was distinct and extremely easy to detect that the subjects would be easily released after their admission. Thirdly, Rosenberg sought to show that the reactions by the medical community was driven more by the fear of making false-negatives than false positives. Therefore, the hospital staff ended up making wrong assumptions about the patients behavior unknowingly.
I believe that Rosenberg was right in her assertions that behavior is determined relative to its social context. This assertion is confirmed in the ways that various societies define normal behavior. Some societies believe that certain gestures are either greetings or acts of kindn...
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